

单词 packet
释义 packet n 1 [C] (a) (US usu 美式英语通常作 package) small paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling (包装商品的)?quot;? 小盒, 小袋     a packet of biscuits, cigarettes, tea, etc 一?quot;?香烟、 茶叶等. (b) small package or parcel 用?quot;?小箱、 小盒所盛之物; ?quot;? 2 [sing] (infml 口) large amount of money (used esp in the expressions shown) 大笔款项(尤用於以下示例)     make (ie earn) a packet 挣一大笔钱     cost (sb) a packet 花(某人)一大笔钱. 3 [C] (also `packet-boat) boat that carries mail and passengers on a fixed short route (短途)定期邮船, 班轮. 4 (idm 习语) cop a packet => cop2. packet, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Some things in shops are sold in packets (US pack) 商店中某些商品以packet(?quot;埃┬问匠鍪郏朗接⒂镉胮ack)     a packet of sweets, crisps, cigarettes ?quot;奶枪?炸土豆片、 香烟     a six-pack of beer 半打装啤酒. Note that a packet/pack of cigarettes contains some cigarettes but a cigarette packet/pack may be empty. 注意a packet/pack of cigarettes(一盒香烟)有一定数量的香烟, 而a cigarette packet/pack(一个香烟盒)可能是空的. A parcel (US also package) is something wrapped, often in brown paper, so that it can be sent by post. *parcel(美式英语亦作package)指包起来(常指用牛皮纸包裹)邮寄的物品     The postman rang the bell because he had a parcel/package to deliver. 邮递员按门铃叫门投递包裹. A package in British English is usually carried and not sent. 英式英语中package通常指携带的而不是寄送的包裹. Packaging is the material used to wrap and protect products sold in shops or sent through the post. *packaging是指商店售出商品或邮递物品的包装材料.




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