

单词 pack
释义 pack n 1 [C] (a) number of things wrapped or tied together for carrying, esp on the back 包, 包裹(尤指背负的)     The tramp carried his belongings in a pack on his back. 那个流浪者把所有的东西捆成一包背在背上. (b) bag, usu of canvas or leather, fitted with straps for carrying on the back 背包. Cf 参看 backpack, haversack, rucksack. 2 [C] small paper or cardboard container in which goods are packed for selling; packet 小纸盒; 小硬纸板箱; 小纸包     a six-pack of beer, ie six cans of beer wrapped and sold together 半打装啤酒     (esp US) a pack of cigarettes 一包香烟. =>Usage at packet 用法见packet. 3 [CGp] (a) group of wild animals that hunt together (野兽的)一群     Wolves hunt in packs. 狼总是成群猎食. (b) group of dogs kept for hunting, esp with horses (猎狗的)一群(尤指骑马狩猎用者)     a pack of hounds 一群猎狗. (c) organized group of Cub Scouts or Brownies (童子军的)一队     a `Brownie pack 一队女童子军. (d) the forwards of a Rugby football team (一支橄榄球队的)全体前锋. 4 [CGp] ~ (of sb/sth) (derog 贬) number of people or things (used esp in the expressions shown) (指人、 物的)一帮, 一伙, 一堆(尤用於以下示例)     a pack of fools/thieves 一伙傻瓜[小偷]     a pack of lies 一派谎言. 5 [C] (US deck) complete set of 52 playing-cards (纸牌的)一副(为52张). 6 [C] (only in compounds 仅用以构成复合词) thing placed on a part of the body for a period of time, such as a layer of cream or paste for cleansing the skin of the face or a bag of ice for soothing a burn 一时敷於身体之物(如润面霜、 冰袋)     a `face-pack * an `ice-pack. pack v 1 (a) [I, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A (in/into B); ~ B (with A) put sth into a container for transport or storing; fill (a container, esp a suitcase) with sth 将某物装入(箱、 盒等)(尤指装入衣箱)     Have you packed (your suitcase) yet? 你装好(衣箱)了吗?     Don´t forget to pack your toothbrush! 别忘了把牙刷放到箱子里去!     All these books need to be packed (into boxes). 这些书都要打点(装箱).     pack clothes into a trunk/pack a trunk with clothes 把衣物装进箱子里     He takes a packed lunch (ie sandwiches, etc packed into a box or some other container) to work every day. 他每天带(盒装)午饭上班. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (into sth) be able to be put into a container for transport or storing 能被包装(便於装运)     This dress packs easily. 这件连衣裙易於装箱.     These clothes won´t all pack into one suitcase. 这些衣物一个箱子装不下. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (in sth) cover or protect sth with (esp soft) material pressed tightly on, in or round it 用材料(尤指软物)充填、 衬垫或包裹某物(以覆盖或保护)     pack china in newspaper 用报纸包裹瓷器     glass packed in straw 用稻草包垫的玻璃. 3 [Tn] prepare and put (meat, fish, etc) in tins in order to preserve it 把(肉、 鱼等)装罐保存; 做(鱼、 肉等)罐头. 4 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态     Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth/sb) fill, cram or crowd sth (with sth/sb) (事物)塞满、 充满某处; (人)挤满某处     Chanting fans packed the stadium/The stadium was packed with chanting fans. 热情的观众挤满了体育场, 不停地喊叫著有节奏的口号.     The show played to packed houses, ie large audiences. 那节目演出时场?quot;?     This book is packed with useful information. 这本书里有很多有用的资料.     an action-packed film, novel, etc 充满刺激动作的影片、 小说等     The restaurant was packed, ie crowded with people. 饭馆里挤满了人. 5 [I, Tn] (of snow, ice, etc) (cause sth to) form a hard compact mass (指冰、 雪等)(使之)形成硬块     The snow had packed against the wall. 墙根的雪形成了硬块.     The wind packed the snow against the wall. 风把雪吹到墙边堆积起来. 6 [Tn] (US infml 口) carry (sth); be equipped with (sth) 携带(某物); 装备有(某物): pack a gun 带著枪. 7 [Tn] (derog 贬) choose (the members of a committee, etc) so that they are likely to decide in one´s favour 挑选(委员等)使之偏袒自己. 8 (idm 习语) ,pack one´s `bags (prepare to) leave (准备)离开     After their row she packed her bags and left. 他们争吵後, 她收拾好提包就走了.     He was told to pack his bags. 已经告诉他让他走人. ,pack a (hard, etc) `punch (infml 口) (a) (of a boxer) be capable of delivering a powerful blow (指拳击手)能发出重击. (b) (fig 比喻) have a very powerful effect 极有效力     Those cocktails pack quite a punch! 那些鸡尾酒劲儿可真大! send sb packing => send. 9 (phr v) pack sth away put sth into a box, cupboard, etc because it is not needed 将某物放入盒、 箱等中收起     She packed away the deck-chairs for the winter. 冬天她把折叠躺椅收了起来.




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