

单词 obscure
释义 obscure adj 1 not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden 不易看清的; 费解的; 不分明的; 隐藏的     an obscure corner of the garden 花园里偏僻的一角     Is the meaning still obscure to you? 你觉得意思仍然不清楚吗?     His real motive for the crime remains obscure. 他犯罪的真正动机仍不清楚. 2 not well-known 不著名的: an obscure poet 名不见经传的诗人     an obscure village in the country 在乡下的一个不出名的村子. obscure, v [Tn] make (sth) obscure(1); hide (sb/sth) from view 使(某事物)不分明; 遮掩(某人[某事物])     The moon was obscured by clouds. 月亮被云遮住了.     Mist obscured the view. 薄雾笼罩著周围的景色.     The main theme of the book is obscured by frequent digressions. 该书文字枝蔓, 主题不明.




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