

单词 nought
释义 nought n 1 the figure 0 零; 0: write three noughts on the blackboard 在黑板上写三个0     nought point one (0.1) 零点一(0.1). =>App 4 见附录4. 2 (also naught) (arch 古) nothing 无; 无物     His crime has gained him naught. 他既犯了罪又一无所获. nought, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     The figure 0 has several different names in British English. 在英式英语中0这一数字有几个名称. 1 In speaking about temperature and in the language of science zero is used 说到温度时以及在科学术语中用zero     The temperature rarely falls below zero here. 这里的温度很少降到0度以下. 2 Nought is commonly used when referring to the figure 0 as part of a number *nought一般用作数字中的0     A million is 1 followed by six noughts (1000000). 一百万是1後面有六个0(1000000). 3 When reading a telephone or bank account number (ie when the number does not represent a quantity) we say the letter `O´ 读电话号码或银行帐号(即该数字不表示量)时, 将0读作字母O的名称     The account number is 0-two-0-four-three-eight-one(0204381). 该帐号是/ EU-tu     -EU-fR: -Wri:-eIt-wQn; o-tu-o-fRr-Wri-et-wQn/ (0204381).     Their phone number is four-seven-double 0-five (47005). 他们的电话号码是 (47005). 4 In reporting the score in a team game we use nil or nothing 说分队比赛项目的比分时, 用nil或nothing表示0     The final score was three nil/nothing (3-0). 最後比分是三比零(3-0).     Wales won 28-nil. 威尔士队以28比0获胜. In US English zero is commonly used in all these cases. 在上述情况下, 美式英语一概用zero表示0.




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