

单词 nick
释义 nick n 1 small cut or notch 小切口; 刻痕; 缺口     Make a nick in the cloth with the scissors. 用剪子在布料上剪个缺口. 2 (idm 习语) in good, bad, etc `nick (Brit sl 俚) in good, etc condition or health 情况或身体好、 坏等     She´s in pretty good nick for a 70-year-old. 对70岁的人来说, 她身体很好.     The car´s in poor nick. 那辆汽车的情况糟透了. in the ,nick of `time only just in time; at the last moment 刚来得及; 在最後时刻     You got here in the nick of time the train´s just leaving. 你来得真是时候--火车正要开. nick, v [Tn] make a nick in (sth) 在(某物)上切口, 刻痕     nick one´s chin when shaving 刮胡子时将下巴割破. nick n the nick [sing] (Brit sl 俚) prison or police station 监狱; 警察分局; 派出所     She spent a year in the nick. 她在班房里蹲了一年.     The burglar was taken to the local nick. 窃贼已带到警察分局. nick, v [Tn, Tn.p] (Brit sl 俚) 1 ~ sb (for sth) arrest sb 逮捕某人     He was nicked for stealing. 他因偷窃而被捕. 2 ~ sth (from sb/sth) steal sth 偷窃某物     He nicked 5 (from his friend). 他偷了(朋友)5英镑.




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