

单词 natural
释义 natural adj 1 [attrib 作定语] of, concerned with or produced by nature(1), not by human beings 自然的; 与自然有关的; 自然产生的; 天然的     natural phenomena, forces, etc, eg thunderstorms, earthquakes, gravity 自然现象、 力量等     the natural world, ie of trees, rivers, animals and birds 自然界     animals living in their natural state, ie in the wild 生活於自然环境中的动物     a country´s natural resources, ie its coal, oil, forests, etc 国家的自然资源     land in its natural state, ie not used for industry, farming, etc 天然状态的土地(未用於工业、 耕种等). 2 of or in agreement with the character or personality of a living thing 与(生物的)特性或本性一致的; 本能的     natural charm, ability, etc 天赋的魅力、 能力等     She has the natural grace of a born dancer. 她生来具有舞蹈家的优雅风度.     It is natural for a bird to fly. 鸟天生就会飞. 3 [attrib 作定语] (of people) born with a certain skill, ability, etc (指人)(某种技能、 能力等)生来就有的     He´s a natural orator, ie is very good at making speeches. 他是天生的演说家(很善於演讲).     She´s a natural linguist, ie learns languages easily. 她有语言天赋(学习语言毫不费力). 4 as (might be) expected; normal 意料之中的; 正常的     die a natural death/of natural causes, ie not by violence, etc, but normally, of old age 自然死亡(非暴力等所致, 而是寿终)     It´s only natural that she should be upset by the insult. 她因受侮辱而生气, 那是很自然的. 5 not exaggerated or self-conscious; straightforward不夸张的; 不做作的; 坦率的     natural behaviour, manners,speech, etc 不做作的行为、 举止、 讲话等     It is difficult to be natural when one is tense. 人在紧张的时候很难泰然自若. 6 (music 音) (used after the name of the note 用於音符名称之後) (of notes) neither sharp nor flat (指音符)本位音的     B natural B本位音. =>illus at music 见music插图, Cf 参看 atflat4 2, sharp n. 7 (a) (of a son or daughter) related by blood (指子女)有血统关系的, 亲生的     He´s not our natural son we adopted him when he was three. 他不是我们的亲儿子--他三岁时我们领养的. (b) illegitimate 私生的     her natural child 她的私生子. 8 based on human reason alone 仅基於人的理性的     natural justice 天赋的正义感     natural religion, ie not based on divine revelation 自然宗教(并非基於神的启示). natural, n 1 (music 音) (a) musical note that is neither sharp nor flat 本位音     There are two naturals in this chord. 这一和弦中有两个本位音. (b) the sign (#) placed before a note in printed music to show that it is neither sharp nor flat (乐谱上的)本位记号. 2 ~ (for sth) person considered ideally suited for a role, a job, an activity, etc (对某角色、 职业、 活动等)适合的人     He´s a natural for the role of Lear. 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选.     She didn´t have to learn how to run     she´s a natural. 她不用学跑步技巧, 她天生就擅跑.




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