

单词 balk
释义 balk (also baulk), n thick, roughly-squared wooden beam (粗加工的)大方木料. balk, (also baulk), v 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) be reluctant to tackle sth because it is difficult, dangerous, unpleasant, etc (因困难、危险、乏味等)不愿从事某事     The horse balked at (ie refused to jump) the high hedge. 马在高高的树篱面前逡巡不前(不愿跳越).     His parents balked at the cost of the guitar he wanted. 他想要那个吉他, 但他父母看到吉他的价格却踌躇不决. 2 (dated 旧) (a) [Tn] deliberately obstruct or prevent (sth) 故意妨碍或阻止(某事物)     balk sb´s plans 使某人的计划受挫. (b) [Tn.pr] ~ sb of sth prevent sb from getting sth 阻止某人获得某事物     They were balked of their prey. 他们受阻捕不到猎物.




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