

单词 nail
释义 ail n 1 layer of horny substance over the outer tip of a finger or toe 指甲; 趾甲: `finger-nails 手指甲     a `toe-nail 脚趾甲 * cut one´s nails 剪指甲. =>illus at hand 见hand插图. 2 small thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end and a (usu) flat head at the other, hammered into articles to hold them together, or into a wall, etc for use as a peg to hang things on 钉子. =>illus at hammer 见hammer插图. 3 (idm 习语) a nail in sb´s/sth´s `coffin thing that hastens or ensures sb´s death, or the end, failure, etc of sb/sth 加速某人死亡或使某人必死的事物; 某人[某事物]的结局、 失败等     The long and costly strike proved to be the last nail in the company´s coffin. 长期罢工损失巨大致使该公司一蹶不振. fight, etc tooth and nail => tooth. hard as nails => hard. hit the nail on the head => hit1. on the nail (infml 口) (of payment) without delay (指付款)立即     I want cash on the nail. 我要立即支付的现金. (as) tough as `nails => tough. nail, v 1 [Tn] (infml 口) catch or arrest (sb) 抓住或逮捕(某人)     Have the police nailed the man who did it? 警方逮著做案的人了吗?     She finally nailed me in the corridor. 她最後在走廊里把我抓住了. 2 [Tn] (infml 口) reveal (sth) to be untrue 显示(某事物)不属实     I´ve finally nailed the myth of his infallibility, ie shown that he can make mistakes. 我终於揭穿了他`一贯正确'的神话(表明他也会犯错误). 3 (idm 习语) nail one´scolours to the `mast declare openly and firmly what one believes, whom one supports, etc (公开而坚决地)表明自己相信的事、 支持的人等; 旗帜鲜明. nail a lie (to the counter) prove that a statement is untrue 证明说法不属实; 揭穿谎言. 4 (phr v) nail sth down (a) make (a carpet, lid, etc) secure with nails 将(地毯、 盖子等)用钉子钉牢. (b) define sth precisely 确定某事物. nail sb down (to sth) make sb say precisely what he believes or wants to do 使某人明确地说出其相信的事或要做的事物     She says she´ll come, but I can´t nail her down to a specific time. 她说她来, 我却无法让她说出确切的时间. nail sth on; nail sth on/onto/to sth fasten sth to sth with nails 将某物用钉子钉在某物上     nail a lid on (the crate) 把盖子钉在(板条箱)上     nail a sign to the wall 在墙上钉一标志. nail sth up (a) fasten sth with nails so that it hangs from a wall, post, etc 将某物用钉子钉牢使之悬挂於墙、 柱等上. (b) make (a door, window, etc) secure with nails so that it cannot easily be opened 将(门窗等)用钉子钉牢使之不易开启.




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