

单词 mutiny
释义 mutiny n[C, U] rebellion against lawful authority, esp by soldiers or sailors 叛乱; (尤指军人或水手的)哗变, 兵变     The crew tried to seize control of the ship, and were shot for mutiny. 船员夺船未遂, 均以叛乱罪被枪决.     If the manager hadn´t accepted some of the team´s demands he could have had a mutiny on his hands. 领队要不是答应了队员的部分要求, 他可能已众叛亲离了. mutiny, v [I, Ipr] ~ (against sb/sth) be guilty of mutiny; revolt (against sb/sth) 反叛, 叛变(某人[某事物])     a crew that mutinies (against its captain, against bad living conditions) (因反抗船长、 抗议生活条件恶劣而)哗变的船员.




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