

单词 mistake
释义 mistake n 1 wrong idea or opinion; misconception 错误的想法或见解; 误解; 误会     You can´t arrest me! There must be some mistake! 你们不能逮捕我! 一定是弄错了! 2 thing done incorrectly through ignorance or wrong judgement; error 错误; 过失; 失策     spelling mistakes 拼写错误     learn by one´s mistakes 从错误中汲取教训     The waiter made a mistake over the bill. 服务员把帐算错了.     It was a big mistake to leave my umbrella at home. 我把雨伞留在家里失算得很. 3 (idm习语) by mi`stake as a result of carelessness, forgetfulness,etc; in error 错误地(因粗心、 遗忘等所致)     I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. 我错拿了你的手提包, 还以为是我的呢. and ,no mi`stake (infml 口) without any doubt 毫无疑问; 的确     It´s hot today and no mistake! 今天确实很热! ,make no mi`stake (about sth) (infml 口) do not be misled into thinking otherwise 别误会; 别误解     Susan seems very quiet, but make no mistake (about it), she has a terrible temper! 苏珊样子很文静, 可别产生误会, 她脾气坏极了! mistake, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Mistake, error, blunder, fault and defect all refer to something done incorrectly or improperly. *mistake、 error、 blunder、 fault、 defect 都用以指没有做对或做得不妥的事物. Mistake is the most general, used of everyday situations *mistake词义最笼统, 可用於日常各种情况     Your essay is full of mistakes. 你的文章错误很多.     It was a mistake to go there on holiday. 跑到那儿度假真是失策. Error is more formal *error较文     an error in your calculations 你计算中出现的错误     a technical error技术性错误. A blunder is a careless mistake, often unnecessary or resulting from misjudgement *blunder是粗心的错误, 常为不该有的或出於判断错误     I made a terrible blunder in introducing her to my husband. 我把她介绍给我的丈夫是犯了一个极大的错误. Fault emphasizes a person´s responsibility for a mistake *fault侧重於造成错误的个人责任     The child broke the window, but it was his parents´ fault for letting him play football indoors. 孩子把窗户打破了, 但是让他在屋里踢足球是他父母的过错. Fault can also indicate an imperfection in a person or thing *fault还可指人或物的缺点     He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them. 他有很多缺点, 但并没有虚荣心.     an electrical fault 电路的故障. A defect is more serious *defect指更为严重的缺陷     The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect. 那种新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场. mistake v (pt mistook , pp mistaken ) 1 [Tn, Tw] be wrong or get a wrong idea about (sb/sth) 弄错、 误解或误会(某人)或(某事物)的意思     I must have mistaken your meaning/what you meant. 我一定误会了你的意思.     Don´t mistake me, I mean what I say. 别误解我的意思, 我说的就是这个意思.     We´ve mistaken the house, ie come to the wrong house. 我们找错门了. 2 [Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth for sb/sth wrongly suppose that sb/sth is sb/sth else 误将某人[某事物]认作他人[他事物]     mistake a toadstool for a mushroom 误把毒菌当作蘑菇     She is often mistaken for her twin sister. 她常被误认为是她的挛生妹妹. 3 (idm 习语) there´s no mistaking sb/sth there is no possibility of being wrong about sb/sth 决不可能搞错某人[某事物]     There´s no mistaking what ought to be done. 该做的事十分清楚.




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