

单词 mingle
释义 mingle v 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ with sth/~ (together) form a mixture with sth; combine 与某物混合; 结合     The waters of the two rivers mingled (together) to form one river. 两条河汇合成一条. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A with B/~ A and B (together) mix one thing with another; combine things together 将一物与另一物混合; 将事物结合一起     truth mingled with falsehood 搀杂虚假成分的事实     The priest mingled the water with the wine. 牧师在水中兑上酒.     He mingled the water and wine (together). 他把水和酒混在一起了. 2 [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ with sb/sth; ~ (together) go about among sb/sth; associate with sb/sth 混进某些人[某事物]中; 与某人[某事物]交往或联系     Security men mingled with the crowd. 保安人员混杂在人群中.




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