

单词 mind
释义 mind n 1 [U] ability to be aware of things and to think and feel 感知、 思维和感觉的能力; 心智     have the right qualities of mind for the job 有做该项工作的头脑     have complete peace of mind 心态十分平静. 2 [C] (a) ability to reason; intellectual powers 推理的能力; 悟性; 智力     have a brilliant, logical, simple, etc mind 头脑聪明、 逻辑性强、 简单等. (b) person who uses his reasoning or intellectual powers well 有心力智慧的人     He is one of the greatest minds of the age. 他是当代最有才智的人. 3 [C] person´s thoughts or attention 人的思想或注意力; 心思     Are you quite clear in your own mind what you ought to do? 你自己是否清楚该做什麽?     Don´t let your mind wander! 别走神儿! 4 [C] ability to remember; memory 记忆力; 记性     I can´t think where I´ve left my umbrella; my mind´s a complete blank! 我想不起来把伞丢在哪儿了, 一点印象都没有! 5 [U, C] normal condition of one´s mental faculties; sanity 正常的神志或理智; 健全的心态     be sound in mind and body 身心健康     He´s 94 and his mind is going, ie he is becoming senile. 他已94岁, 神志日衰. 6 (idm 习语) absence of mind => absence. at the back of one´s mind => back1. be in one´s right mind => right1. be in two `minds about sth/doing sth feel doubtful about or hesitate over sth 对某事物三心二意或犹豫不决     I was in two minds about leaving London     my friends were there, but the job abroad was a good one. 我对是否离开伦敦一事拿不定主意; 伦敦有我的朋友, 但是国外那份工作非常好. be/take a load/weight off sb´s mind cause one/sb great relief 使自己[某人]如释重负     Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind! 我还了抵押借款, 如释重负! be of one `mind (about sb/sth) agree or have the same opinion (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])意见一致, 有同样看法. be on one´s `mind; have sth on one´s `mind (cause sb to) worry about sth (使某人)为某事物担忧     My deputy has resigned, so I´ve got a lot on my mind just now. 我的副手辞职了, 所以现在有许多事要我操心. be ,out of one´s `mind (infml 口) be crazy or mad 发狂; 发疯     You must be out of your mind if you think I´m going to lend you 50! 你以为我会借给你50英镑, 你准是疯了! bear in mind that... => bear2. bear/keep sb/sth in `mind remember sb/sth 记住某人[某事物]     We have no vacancies now, but we´ll certainly bear your application in mind. 我们目前没有空缺, 但是我们一定记住你申请的事. bend one´s mind to sth => bend1. blow one´s/sb´s mind => blow1. boggle sb´s/the mind => boggle. bring/call sb/sth to mind recall sb/sth to one´s memory 想起某人[某事物]     I know her face but I can´t call her name to mind. 我认得她, 但想不起她的名字了. cast one´s mind back => cast1. change one´s/sb´s mind => change1. close one´s mind to sth=> close4. come/spring to `mind present itself to one´s thoughts 出现於某人的脑海中     `Have you any suggestions?´ `Nothing immediately springs to mind.´ `你有什麽建议?'`一下子想不起什麽来.' concentrate one´s/the mind => concentrate. cross one´s mind => cross2. ease sb´s conscience/mind => ease2. frame of mind => frame1. give one´s mind to sth concentrate on or direct all one´s attention to sth 全神贯注於某事物. give sb a piece of one´s mind => piece1. go out of/slip one´s `mind be forgotten 忘记; 想不起. have, etc an enquiring, etc turn of mind => turn2. have a memory/mind like a sieve => sieve. have a mind of one´s `own be capable of forming opinions, making decisions, etc independently 有主见; 能自作决定. have a (good) mind to do sth (infml 口) have a (strong) desire to do sth 有(强烈)愿望做某事物     I´d a good mind to smack him for being so rude! 他这样粗野, 我真想揍他! have half a mind to do sth (infml 口) feel a moderate desire to do sth 有点想做某事物. have/keep an open mind => open1. have it in mind to do sth (fml 文) intend to do sth 想做某事物     I have it in mind to ask her advice when I see her. 我打算见到她时徵求她的意见. have sb/sth in mind (for sth) be considering sb/sth as suitable (for sth) 考虑某人[某事物]适合(於某事物)     Who do you have in mind for the job? 你考虑谁做这工作合适? in one´s mind´s `eye in one´s imagination; in one´s memory 在想像中; 在记忆中     In my mind´s eye, I can still see the house where I was born. 我出生时的那所房子仍记忆犹新. keep one´s mind on sth continue to pay attention to sth; not be distracted from sth 继续专心於某事物; 不因某事物分散注意力     Keep your mind on the job! 专心做你的工作! know one´s own mind => know. make up one´s `mind come to a decision 作出决定; 拿定主意     I´ve made up my mind to be a doctor. 我决心当医生.* Have you made your mind up where to go for your holiday? 你已决定到什麽地方去度假了吗? make up one´s mind to (doing) sth (fml 文) come to accept sth that cannot be changed, etc 接受无法变更的事实     As we can´t afford a bigger house we must make up our minds to staying here. 既然我们住不起大房子, 我们就得安心住在这儿. a meeting of minds => meeting. the mind/imagination boggles => boggle. ,mind over `matter mental powers regarded as being stronger than those of the body or physical objects 精神胜物质     Keeping to a strict diet is a question of mind over matter. 坚持某一规定饮食, 是毅力能否战胜物质诱惑的问题. of the same mind => same1. of unsound mind => unsound. open one´s heart/mind to sb => open2. out of sight, out of mind => sight1. pissed out of one´s head/mind => piss. poison A´s mind against B => poison. presence of mind => presence. prey on sb´s mind => prey v. put sb in mind of sb/sth cause sb to think of or remember sb/sth 使某人想到或想起某人[某事物]     Her way of speaking put me in mind of her mother. 她说话的样子使我想起了她的母亲. put/set one´s/sb´s `mind at ease/rest cause or enable one/sb to stop worrying 使自己[某人]放心. put/set/turn one´s mind to sth give all one´s attention to (achieving) sth 专心於某事物     You could be a very good writer if you set your `mind to it. 你只要专心, 很可能成为优秀作家. speak one´s mind => speak. stick in one´s mind => stick2. take one´s/sb´s mind off sth help one/sb not to think or worry about sth 使自己[某人]不再思考或担忧某事物     Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems. 工作一劳累就使人不再想著家庭问题了. time out of mind => time1. to `my mind according to my way of thinking; in my opinion 照我的想法; 我认为     To `my mind, it´s all a lot of nonsense! 照我看, 这全是胡说! turn sth over in one´s `mind consider or think carefully about sth for some time 仔细考虑或反覆思考某事物. mind v 1 [Tn] take care of or attend to (sb/sth) 照看, 留心(某人[某事物]): mind the baby 照料婴儿     Mind my bike while I go into the shop, please. 请帮我照看一下自行车, 我到商店里去.     Could you mind the phone (ie answer it if it rings) for five minutes? 你能替我守著五分钟电话吗? 2 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tf, Tw no passive 不用於被动语态, Tg, Tsg] ~ about sth/doingsth (esp in questions, negative and conditional sentences and in affirmative sentences that answer a question 尤用於疑问句、 否定句、 条件句及用作回答问话的肯定句) feel annoyance or discomfort at (sth); object to (sth) 对(某事物)介意; 反对(某事物)     Did she mind (about) not getting the job? 她没得到那份工作是不是很失意?     Do you mind the noise? 这声音影响你吗?     I wouldn´t mind (ie I would very much like) a drink. 我很乐意喝他一杯.     She minded very much that he had not come. 他没有来, 她为此十分不悦.     I don´t mind how cold it is. 我不在乎有多麽冷.     Do you mind if I smoke? 我抽烟你介意吗?     Would you mind helping me? ie Would you please help me? 请帮帮我的忙好吗?     Do you mind my closing the window? 我关上窗户行吗? 3 [no passive 不用於被动语态     Tn, Tw] pay attention to or care about (sth) 注意, 关心(某事物)     There´s no need to mind the expense if you´re not paying! 又不是你花钱, 管他开销有多大呢!     Don´t mind me! I promise not to disturb you. 别管我! 我答应不打扰你.     I mind what people think about me. 我很注意人们对我的看法.     I mind whether you like me or not. 你是否喜欢我, 我很重视这件事. 4 [I, Tn, Tf, Tw] be careful about (sb/sth) 留心, 留神(某人[某事物])     Mind (ie Don´t trip over) that step! 小心那个台阶!     Mind your head! eg Be careful not to hit it on the low doorway. 当心别磕著头! (如别碰到低矮的门框.)     Mind the dog! ie It may be fierce. 留神那条狗! (可能很凶.)     This knife is sharp. Mind you don´t cut yourself! 这刀子很快. 小心别剌著!     Mind you come home before 11 o´clock. 记住, 十一点钟以前回家.     Mind where you put those glasses! 把那些杯子放在哪儿, 要看著点! 5 (idm 习语) ,do you `mind? (ironic 反语) please stop that 请别这样做     `Do you mind?´ she said, as he pushed into the queue in front of her. 他挤到她前面来排队时, 她说     `请不要挤进来, 好吗?' I don´t mind if I `do (infml ironic 口, 反语) (used when accepting esp a drink gratefully 用於欣然接受, 尤指饮料)     `Will you have a drink?´ `I don´t mind if I do (ie Yes, please).´ `你要喝点吗?'`那可太好了.' ,mind one´s ,own `business (esp imperative 尤用於祈使句) not interfere in other people´s affairs 注意你自己的事; 少管闲事. ,mind one´s ,p´s and `q´s be careful and polite about what one says or does 要讲礼貌. mind/watch one´s step => step2. ,mind `you; mind (used as an interj 用作感叹语) please note 请注意     They´re getting divorced, I hear mind you, I´m not surprised.听说他们正闹离婚呢--告诉你吧, 一点都不奇怪. ,never `mind don´t worry 不必担心     `Did you miss the bus? Never mind, there´ll be another one in five minutes. `你没赶上公共汽车吗? 不要紧, 五分钟後就来一辆.' never mind (doing) sth stop, or don´t start, doing sth 别做某事了     ,Never mind ,saying you´re `sorry, who´s going to pay for the damage you´ve done? 别说对不起了, 你损坏的东西谁来赔? ,never you `mind (infml 口) don´t ask (because you will not be told) 不要问(因为不会告诉你)     Never you mind how I found out it´s true, isn´t it? 你就别问我是怎麽知道的了--反正是事实, 对吧? 6 (phr v) ,mind `out (infml 口) (esp imperative 尤用於祈使句) allow sb to pass 让某人通过     Mind out (of the way) you´re blocking the passage. 让让(路)--你挡道了. mind out (for sb/sth) beware (of danger, etc) 注意, 留心(危险等)     Mind out for the traffic when you cross the road. 过马路要注意来往车辆.




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