

单词 backfire
释义 backfire v 1 [I] ignite or explode too early, esp in an internal combustion engine 过早点火或爆燃(尤指内燃机); 回火; 逆火     The car/engine backfired noisily. 那汽车[发动机]发生逆火引起爆鸣. 2 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (fig 比喻) produce an unexpected and unwanted result esp for the people responsible for the action 产生出乎意料及事与愿违的结果(尤指对於该行为的责任者而言)     The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon. 由於炸弹过早爆炸, (恐怖分子的)阴谋未能得逞. Cf 参看 misfire. n early explosion, esp in an internal combustion engine 过早爆燃(尤指内燃机); 回火; 逆火.




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