

单词 make-up
释义 make-up n 1 [U] cosmetics such as powder, lipstick, etc used by a woman to make herself more attractive, or by an actor 化妆品; 化装用品     She never wears make-up. 她从来不搽化妆品.     Her make-up is smudged. 她搽的化妆品已蹭污了. 2 [sing] (a) combination of qualities that form a person´s character or temperament 性格; 气质     Jealousy is not part of his make-up. 他的品性中没有忌妒. (b) combination of things, people, etc that form sth; composition of sth (事物、 人等的)组合; 构成     There are plans to change the make-up of the committee, ie to replace some of the people who work on it. 有计画要改变委员会的人员组成. 3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] arrangement of type, illustrations, etc on a printed page 排版; 拼版.




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