

单词 lose
释义 lose v (pt, pp lost ) 1 [Tn] have (sth/sb) taken away from one by accident, misfortune, old age, death, etc 失去, 丧失, 损失(某事物[某人])     lose all one´s money at cards 玩纸牌把钱输光     lose a leg in an industrial accident 在一次工业事故中失去一条腿     lose one´s hair, teeth, good looks, ie as a result of ageing 失去头发、 牙齿、 美貌(如因年老)     He lost both his sons (ie They were killed) in the war. 他的两个儿子都在战争中死了.     She´s just lost her husband, ie He has died recently. 她的丈夫刚去世. * lose one´s job 失业. 2 [Tn] no longer have or maintain (esp a moral or mental quality) 不再有(尤指道德或精神的素质)     lose one´s confidence, composure, etc 失去信心、 稳定的情绪等     The train was losing speed. 火车渐渐减速.     lose interest in sth/sb, ie cease to be interested or attracted 对某事物[某人]失去兴趣     He´s lost ten pounds in weight. 他体重减了十磅.     lose one´s balance/equilibrium 失去平衡[均势]     She´s losing colour, ie becoming pale. 她脸色渐渐苍白了.     I warn you, I´m rapidly losing patience, ie becoming impatient. 我警告你, 我可没那麽多耐性了. 3 [Tn] become unable to find 遗失; 失落     I´ve lost my keys. 我的钥匙丢了.     The books seem to be lost/to have got lost. 那些书好像不见了.     She lost her husband in the crowd. 她和她丈夫在人群中走散了. 4 [Tn] (a) fail to obtain or catch (sth) 得不到或未捉住(某事物)     His words were lost (ie could not be heard) in the applause. 他的话让掌声淹没了. (b) (infml 口) be no longer understood by (sb) 使(某人)弄不懂     I´m afraid you´ve lost me. 对不起, 我不明白了. 5 [Tn] (infml 口) escape from (sb/sth); elude 逃避(某人[某事物]); 躲避     We managed to lose our pursuers in the darkness. 我们趁黑摆脱了追踪的人.     You see that car following us? Well, lose it! 看见那辆跟著咱们的汽车了吗? 来, 甩掉它! 6 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sb) be defeated; fail to win (a contest, a lawsuit, an argument, etc) 输; 失败; 未赢得(竞赛、 官司、 辩论等)     It´s only the second time the team has lost (a match) this season. 那仅仅是本赛季该队第二次失利而已.     We lost to a stronger side. 我们输给了实力更强的一方.     They won the battle but lost the war. 他们赢了这次战斗, 但输了这场战争.     lose a motion, ie fail to carry it in a debate 动议未通过. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth/sb) have sth taken away (by sth/sb) 丧失某事物(由某事物[某人]获得)     Railways have lost much of their business to the bus companies. 铁路公司许多生意让汽车公司夺走了. 7 [Tn] have to give up or forfeit (sth) 被迫放弃或失去(某事物)     The Labour candidate lost his deposit, ie did not obtain the minimum number of votes necessary in an election. 那个工党候选人失去了老本(未得到最低获选票数).     lose one´s no-claim bonus, eg by making an insurance claim following an accident 失去保险金无索偿优惠(如因发生事故後曾索赔). 8 [Tn] waste (time or an opportunity) 浪费(时间或机会)     We lost twenty minutes through having to change a tyre. 我们因为换轮胎损失了二十分钟.     There´s no time to lose, ie We must hurry. 没有时间了(必须赶快). 9 (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (on sth/by doing sth) become poorer (as a result of sth) (由某事物导致)亏损, 变差     We lost (a lot) on that deal. 我们那笔生意受到(很大)损失.     Poetry always loses (something) in translation. 诗歌一经翻译总有所失.     You will lose nothing by telling the truth. 说实话并不吃亏. (b) [Dn.n] cause (sb) to be without or forfeit (sth) 使(某人)失去或丧失(某事物)     His carelessness lost him the job. 他因粗心大意而丢了工作.     Such behaviour will lose you everyone´s sympathy. 你这种表现大家就不会同情你了. 10 [I, Tn] (of a watch or clock) go too slowly by (an amount of time) (指钟表)慢(若干时间)     A good watch neither gains nor loses. 好表不快也不慢.     This clock loses two minutes (ie becomes two minutes behind the correct time) a day. 这钟一天慢两分钟. 11 (idm 习语) fight a losing battle => fight1. find/lose favour with sb/in sb´s eyes => favour1. find/lose one´s voice/tongue => find1. give/lose ground =>ground1. heads I win, tails you lose => head1. keep/lose one´s balance => balance1. keep/lose one´s cool => cool1. keep/lose count => count2. keep/lose one´s temper => temper1. keep/lose track of sb/sth => track. lose all `reason become irrational or illogical 失去理智; 不讲道理     He lost all reason and started abusing his opponent. 他蛮不讲理, 大骂对手. lose one´s `bearings become lost or confused 蒙头转向; 不知所措; 惶惑. lose one´s `breath pant for breath, eg after running hard 气喘咻咻; 上气不接下气. lose `caste (with/among sb) lose status or respect 丧失地位; 为人轻视. lose `courage become depressed or fearful; despair 丧失勇气; 沮丧; 害怕; 绝望. lose `face be humiliated; lose credit or reputation 丢脸; 受屈辱; 丧失声誉. lose one´s grip (on sth) be unable to understand or control a situation, etc 无法掌握或控制局势等     I think the Prime Minister may be losing his grip. 我认为首相可能控制不住局面了. lose one´s `head become confused or over-excited 昏了头; 张皇失措; 冲动     Don´t lose your head keep calm! 别惊慌失措的--沉住气! lose `heart become discouraged 泄气; 灰心. lose one´s `heart (to sb/sth) fall in love 爱上; 锺情於. lose one´s `life be killed 丧生; 遇害. lose one´s `marbles (sl 俚) go mad; no longer behavesensibly or rationally 发疯; 丧失理智; 行事无理性. lose/waste no time in doing sth => time1. lose one´s `place (in a book, etc) be unable to find the point at which one stopped reading (在书中等)忘记上次读到的地方. lose one´s `rag (infml 口) express one´s anger, impatience, etc in an uncontrolled way 发脾气; 按捺不住. lose one´s `seat (a) have the place where one was sitting taken by another person 座位被占. (b) (of a Member of Parliament) fail to be re-elected (指议员)未获连选. lose one´s `shirt (infml 口) lose all one´s money, esp as a result of gambling or speculation 输光所有的钱, 赔光本钱(尤指赌博或投机)     He lost his shirt on the horses. 他赌马把钱输光了. lose sight of sb/sth (a) no longer be able to see sb/sth 看不见某人[某物]     lose sight of land 看不见陆地. (b) overlook sth; fail to consider sth 忽略或未考虑某事物     We must not lose sight of the fact that... 我们不应忽视的事实是...     Our original aims have been lost sight of. 我们原来的目标已无影无踪了. lose the thread (of sth) be unable to follow an argument, story, etc 失去(议论故事等的)头绪. lose one´s `touch no longer have the abilities, etc that once made one successful 丧失以前的能力等. lose touch (with sb/sth) no longer be in contact with sb/sth 失去和某人[某事物]的联系     I´ve lost touch with all my old friends. 我和所有的老朋友都失去了联系.     Let us not lose touch with reality. 我们不要脱离现实. lose one´s `way become lost 迷路     We lost our way in the dark. 我们在黑暗中迷了路. lose/take off weight => weight. a losing `battle/`game struggle/contest in which defeat seems certain 不能获胜的争斗[比赛]     It´s a losing battle trying to persuade Henry to take more exercise. 要说服亨利多运动纯属徒劳. not lose sleep/lose no sleep over sth not worry unduly about sth 不为某事物操心     It´s not worth losing sleep over. 不值得多虑. win/lose by a neck => neck. win or lose => win. a winning/losing streak => streak n. win/lose the toss => toss n. 12 (phr v) lose oneself in sth become totally absorbed in sth 专心致志於某事物     I soon lost myself in the excitement of the film. 影片中的刺激情节很快就把我吸引住了. lose `out (on sth) (infml 口) be unsuccessful; suffer loss 不成功; 受损失     If things go wrong I´m the one who´ll lose out, not you. 事情若有差错, 受损的是我, 不是你. lose out to sb/sth (infml 口) be overcome or replaced by sb/sth 被某人[某事物]战胜或取代     Has the cinema lost out to TV? 电影是不是让电视给取代了? =>Usage at loose1 用法见loose1.




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