

单词 lay
释义 lay v (pt, pp laid ); lay     PLACING SOMETHING IN A CERTAIN POSITION OR ON A SURFACE 将某物置於某位置或某物表面 1 (a) [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] put (sth/sb) in a certain position or on a surface 将(某物[某人])置於某位置或某物表面     lay the book on the table 把书放在桌上     lay the blanket over the sleeping child 给睡著的孩子盖毯子     lay oneself down to sleep 躺下睡觉     He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上.     The horse laid back its ears. 那匹马将耳朵竖到後面.     The storm laid the crops flat. 暴风雨把庄稼刮倒了. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] put (sth) in the correct position for a particular purpose (为某目的)将(某物)摆放於适当位置     lay a carpet, cable, pipe 铺地毯、 架电缆、 敷管道     lay the foundations of a house 给房子打地基     lay the table, ie put plates, cutlery, etc on it for a meal 摆设餐具准备吃饭     A bricklayer lays bricks to make a wall. 砖瓦匠是砌砖垒墙的.     They are laying new sewers along the road. 他们正在沿路敷设新的排水管道. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A (on/over B); ~ B with A spread sth (on sth); cover or coat sth with sth (在某物上)摊开某物; 用某物覆盖或附加一层某物     lay the paint evenly 均匀地涂上颜料     lay straw everywhere 四处铺上稻草     lay carpeting on the floor/lay the floor with carpeting 铺地毯. =>Usage at lie2 用法见lie2. lay     CAUSING SOMEBODY OR SOMETHING TO BE IN A CERTAIN STATE 使某人或某物处於某状态 3 [Tn.pr] (fml 文) cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain state or situation 使(某人[某事物])处於某状态或情况     lay sb under an obligation (ie oblige sb) to do sth 使某人承担做某事的义务     lay new laws before parliament 向议会提交新法令供审议. 4 [Tn] cause (sth) to settle 使(某物)沉降, 安顿     sprinkle water to lay the dust 洒水使尘土落下. 5 [Tn] make (sth) smooth or flat 使(某物)平顺或伏贴     using hair cream to lay the hair sticking up at the back 用发乳把後面竖起的头发弄服帖. 6 [Tn] (fml 文) cause (sth) to be less strong; allay 使(某事物)减轻, 平息, 缓解     lay sb´s fears, doubts, suspicions, etc 消除某人的恐惧、 疑虑、 怀疑等. lay * OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 7 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.f no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ sth (on sth) bet (money) on sth; place (a bet) 就某事赌(钱); 压(赌注)     gamblers laying their stakes in roulette 在轮盘赌上压赌注的赌徒     How much did you lay on that race? 那场赛马你下了多少赌注?     I´ll lay you 5 that she won´t come. 我看她不来了, 我愿跟你赌5英镑. 8 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] ( sl 讳, 俚) (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman) (指男子)与(某女子)性交; : get laid 挨 . 9 [I, Tn] (of birds, insects, etc) produce (eggs) (指鸟、 虫等)产(卵)     The hens are not laying well (ie not producing many eggs) at the moment. 现在那些母鸡不爱下蛋.     The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds´ nests. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵.     new-laid eggs at 90p a dozen 90便士一打的鲜蛋. 10 (in some combinations of lay + n + prep/infinitive, having the same meaning as a v related in form to the n 某些lay + n + prep/infinitive的组合, 其意义与该名词形式相关的动词相同, 如 lay the emphasis on certain points = emphasize certain points)     lay stress on neatness, ie stress it 强调整齐     Who should we lay the blame on? ie Who should we blame? 我们该责备谁?     lay (one´s) plans (ie plan) to do sth 计画做某事     lay a trap for (ie prepare to trap) sb 将某人诱入圈套. 11 (idm 习语) lay it `on (`thick/with a `trowel) (infml 口) use exaggerated praise, flattery, etc 夸大地赞扬、 恭维等     To call him a genius is laying it on a bit (too thick)! 把他称为天才是有点过分了. (For other idioms containing lay, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与lay搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 lay one´s hands on sb/sth => hand1; lay sth bare => bare1.) 12 (phr v) lay a`bout one (with sth) hit out in all directions 向四周挥打     As we approached her, she laid about her with a stick. 我们接近她时, 她就挥棒乱打. lay about sb/sth (with sth) attack sb/sth with words or blows 用言语或拳、 棒等攻击某人[某事物]     She laid about him, calling him a liar and a cheat. 她攻击他, 说他说谎、 是个骗子. lay, n ( sl esp sexist 讳, 俚, 尤含性别偏见) partner in sexual intercourse (esp a woman) 性交的对方(尤指女方)     an easy lay, ie a person who is ready and willing to have sexual intercourse 性关系随便的人. lay adj [attrib 作定语] 1 not belonging to the clergy 非神职的     a lay preacher 非神职的讲道者. 2 (a) not having expert knowledge of a subject 非专业的; 外行的: lay opinion 外行的竟见     speaking as a lay person 说外行话. (b) not professionally qualified, esp in law or medicine 不合职业资格的(尤指在法律或医学方面). lay n (arch 古) poem that was written to be sung; ballad 供吟唱的诗; 民歌; 民谣. lay, pt of lie.




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