

单词 journey
释义 journey n (pl ~s) (a) (distance covered in) travelling, usu by land, from one place to another, often far away 行走, 行驶, 旅行(通常指经陆路); 旅程; 路程     Did you have a good journey? 你一路上顺利吗?     go on a long train journey 乘火车出远门     break one´s journey, ie interrupt it by stopping briefly at a place 途中在某地作短暂停留     the journey from Edinburgh to London 由爱?quot;さ铰锥氐穆烦?BR>    (fig 比喻) our great journey through life 我们一生的漫长道路. (b) time taken in going from one place to another 从一地到另一地所用的时间     It´s a day´s journey by car. 乘汽车得用一天的时间. journey, v [Ipr, Ip] go on a journey; travel 行走; 行驶; 旅行; 游历     journeying overland across North America 横越北美大陆. journey, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     Journey may indicate a long distance or a short one travelled regularly *journey可指经常走过的或长或短的距离     `How long is your journey to work?´ `你上班要走多长的路?' `Only about 15 minutes.´ `也就走15分钟左右.' A voyage is a long journey by sea or in space. *voyage是经海路或空间的长途行程. The word travels [pl] suggests a fairly long period of travelling from place to place, especially abroad, for pleasure or interest. *travels(复数)一词指时间稍长的各处旅行, 尤指出国旅游. It is often used with a possessive adjective 这一词常与所有格的形容词连用     She´s gone off on her travels again. 她又去旅游了. Travel is an uncountable noun indicating the action of travelling *travel是指行走、 行驶或旅行的不可数名词     Travel broadens the mind. 旅行能使人见多识广. A tour is a (short or long) journey for pleasure, spent visiting several places *tour是为游玩而到几个地方观光的(长途或短途)旅行     They´re going on a world tour. 他们正在环球旅行. A trip and (more formal) an excursion are short journeys and visits from and returning to a particular place. *trip和(较文雅的)excursion是指短期的旅程和观光, 从某地出发再回到该地. Excursion suggests a group of people travelling together *excursion指一起出行的一群人     During our holiday in Venice we went on a few trips/excursions to places near by. 我们在威尼斯度假时曾到附近的几个地方观光过.




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