

单词 ivory
释义 ivory n 1 [U] creamy-white bone-like substance forming the tusks of elephants, walruses, etc 象牙; (海象等的)长牙     [attrib 作定语] an ivory statuette 象牙制的小雕像. 2 [C] object made of this 象牙制品     a priceless collection of ivories 象牙的稀世珍品收藏. 3 [U] colour of ivory 象牙色的; 乳白色的     [attrib 作定语] an ivory skin, complexion, etc 乳白色的皮肤、 面色等     ivory-coloured silk 乳白色的丝绸. 4 (idm 习语) an ,ivory `tower place or situation where people retreat from the unpleasant realities of everyday life and pretend that these do not exist 象牙塔(对日常生活中烦恼的现实视而不见者的退身之所或处境)     live in an ivory tower 生活在象牙塔中     [attrib 作定语] lead an,ivory-tower e`xistence 过象牙塔式的生活.




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