

单词 initiate
释义 nitiate v 1 [Tn] (fml 文) put (a scheme, etc) into operation; cause (sth) to begin 开始实施(计画等); 发起, 创始, 开始(某事物)     initiate plans, schemes, social reforms, etc 开始实施计画、 方案、 社会改革等     (law 律) initiate proceedings against sb, ie prosecute sb 起诉某人. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (into sth) (a) admit or introduce sb to membership of a group, etc, often by means of a special ceremony 接纳或介绍某人加入某团体等(常通过某种仪式)     initiate sb into a religious sect, secret society, etc 介绍某人加入某教派、 秘密会社等. (b) give sb elementary instruction (in sth) or secret knowledge (of sth) 向某人传授(某事物的)基本要领或秘密知识     an older woman who had initiated him into the mysteries of love 让他初尝云雨情的年长女子. initiate n person who has (just) been initiated into a group 经介绍(刚)加入某组织的人.




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