

单词 asking price
释义 asking price price at which sth is offered for sale 要价; 开价; 叫价     They refused to accept less than the asking price. 他们言无二价. ask, NOTE ON USAGE 用法     When making a request for somebody to do something, ask is the most usual and informal word 若要某人做某事, ask是最通俗, 最口语化的词     I asked her to shut the window. 我让她关上窗户.     He asked me for a light. 他向我借个火. The verb request is mainly used in formal speech and writing, often in public notices and commonly in the passive form *request这一动词主要用於庄重的讲话和文字中, 常用於通告中, 多用於被动式     Dear Sir, I have been requested to inform you that... 敬启者: 兹通知阁下...     Passengers are kindly requested not to smoke at the buffet counter. 乘客请勿在自助餐 附近吸烟. Beg suggests the asking of a great favour in a humble manner *beg指以谦恭的姿态要求给予巨大的帮助     He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him. 他自知伤了她的心而央求她原谅. Entreat, implore and beseech are stronger and more formal than beg *entreat, implore, beseech三词均比beg的词义强而文雅     He entreated/implored/beseeched her not to desert him. 他恳求她不要抛弃他.




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