

单词 impart
释义 impart v (fml 文) 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (to sth) give (a quality) to sth 将(某性质)给予或赋予某事物     Her presence imparted an air of elegance (to the ceremony). 她一出席(给仪式)增添了高雅的气氛.     impart spin to a cricket ball 使板球增加旋转力. 2 [Tn, Dn.pr] ~ sth (to sb) make known (information) to sb; reveal sth 将(情况)通知或告知某人; 透露某事物     I have no news to impart (to you). 我没有消息可告诉你.




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