

单词 howl
释义 howl n (a) long loud wailing cry of a dog, wolf, etc (狗、 狼等的)尖利的长嚎, 叫. (b) loud cry of a person expressing pain, scorn, amusement, etc (表示疼痛、 轻蔑、 高兴等的)高声叫喊     let out a howl of laughter, agony, rage 发出狂笑、 哀号、 怒吼声     (fig 比喻) The proposed changes caused howls of protest from the public. 拟议中的改革引起公众一片抗议的呼声. (c) similar noise made by a strong wind, an electrical amplifier, etc (狂风、 电力扬声器等的)啸鸣. howl, v 1 [I, Ipr] make a howl 尖声嚎叫; 叫; 大声叫喊; 啸鸣     wolves howling in the forest 在森林中 叫的狼     howl in agony 哀叫 * howl with laughter 高声大笑     The wind howled through the trees. 风呼啸著穿过树林. 2 [I] weep loudly 大声哭: The baby howled all night. 那婴儿哇哇地哭了一夜. 3 [Tn] utter (sth) with a howl 吼叫著说出(某事)     `I hate you all!´ she howled. `我恨你们所有的人!'她吼叫著说.     The crowd howled its displeasure. 人群怒吼著表示不满. 4 (phr v) howl sb down (of an audience, etc) prevent a speaker from being heard by shouting scornfully (指听众等)以表示轻蔑的吼叫声压倒讲演者的声音, 把讲演者轰下台.




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