

单词 how
释义 how interrog adv 1 in what way or manner 怎样; 怎麽; 如何     How is the word spelt? 这个字怎麽拼?     Tell me how to spell it. 告诉我怎麽拼.     How did you escape? 你是怎样脱逃的?     Tell us how you escaped. 告诉我们你是怎样脱逃的.     How are things going (ie Is your life good or bad) at the moment? 你现在情况怎麽样(生活得好不好)? 2 in what state of health; in what condition 健康状况怎麽样; 情况如何     How are the children? 孩子们身体好吗?     How is (ie What is your opinion of) your job? 你的工作怎麽样? 3 (used before an adj or adv 後接形容词或副词) to what extent or degree 到什麽程度; 到何种地步; 多少; 多麽     How old is she? 她有多大年纪了?     How long did you wait? 你等了多长时间了?     How often do you go swimming? 你多久去游泳一次?     How fast can she run? 她能跑多快?     How much money have you got? 你有多少钱? 4 (used in exclamations to comment on extent or degree 用於感叹句中, 当言及所达到的状况或程度时)     How dirty that child is. 那孩子多脏啊.     How kind of you to help. 有你的帮助真是太好了.     How pale she looks. 她看上去多麽苍白啊.     How well he plays the violin. 他小提琴拉得多好啊.     How he snores! ie He snores very loudly. 他鼾声真大! 5 (idm 习语) ,and` how! (infml 口) (used to agree strongly and sometimes ironically 用以表示极为赞同, 有时为反语)     `He´s done very well, hasn´t he?´ `Andhow!´ `他干得好极了, 对吗?'`那还用说!' how about?(used to make a suggestion 用以提出建议)     How about going for a walk? 去散散步好吗?     How about a hot bath? 洗个热水澡怎麽样? ,how´s `that? (a) what is the explanation for that? 那是怎麽回事? (b) (used when asking sb´s opinion of sth 用於徵询某人对某事物的意见时)     How´s that for punctuality? 你对遵守时间有什麽看法? (c) (used by the fielding side in cricket to ask the umpire if the batsman is out or not 板球运动中防守一方向裁判员询问击球手是否出局的用语). how, conj (infml 口) the/any way in which 怎样; 如何     She described to me how he ran up to her and grabbed her handbag. 她向我讲述了他是怎样跑到她跟前抢走她的手提包的.     I can dress how I like in my own house! 我在自己家里想穿什麽就穿什麽!




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