单词 | home |
释义 | home n 1 (a) [C, U] place where one lives, esp with one´s family 家 The nurse visits patients in their homes. 护士对病人进行家访. He left home (ie left his parents and began an independent life) at sixteen. 他在十六岁时离开了家(离开双亲独立生活). [attrib 作定语] my home address 我家的地址. (b) [C] house, flat, etc 房子、 住所等 Homes for Sale, eg on an estate agent´s notice. 房屋待售(如房地产经纪人之告示上所标明者). [attrib 作定语] a home improvement grant 房屋改进装修补助金. (c) [C] (infml 口) place where an object is stored 存物处 I must find a home for all these tins. 我得找个地方存放这些罐头. 2 [C, U] district or country where one was born or where one has lived for a long time or to which one feels attached 家乡; 故乡; 老家 She was born in London, but she now looks on Paris as her home. 她生在伦敦, 但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡. She lives a long way from home. 她远远地离开故乡在外地生活. He left India for home, ie for his own country. 他离开印度回国去了. 3 [C] (a) institution for people needing care or rest 为需要照顾或休息的人们设立的机构 a children´s home 儿童之家 a home for the blind 盲人院 an old people´s home 老年人之家. (b) institution providing accommodation for workers 为工人提供膳宿服务的机构 a sailor´s home 海员之家. 4 [C] (a) place where an animal or a plant is native or most common; habitat (动植物的)生息地, 栖息处 The tiger´s home is in the jungle. 老虎生活在丛林里. (b) place from which sth originates 发源地; 发祥地 Greece is the home of democracy. 希腊是民主的发祥地. 5 [U] (a) (in sport and in various games) place where a player is safe, cannot be caught, etc (体育活动及各种游戏中)安全、 不会被捉住等之处. (b) finishing point in a race (赛跑的)终点. 6 (idm 习语) at home (a) in the house, flat, etc 在家里 Is there anybody at home? 有人在家吗? (b) at one´s ease, as if in one´s own home (像在自己家里一样)自在, 无拘束 Make yourself at home! 不要拘束! They always make us feel very much at home. 他们总是使我们感到非常自在. (c) (of football matches, etc) played in the town, etc to which the team belongs (指足球比赛等)在主场进行的 Is our next match at home or away? 我们下一?quot;热窃谥鞒〗心? 还是在客场进行? (d) (fml 文) expecting and ready to receive visitors 期待并准备接待来访者 Mrs Hill is not at home to anyone except close relatives. 希尔夫人不会客, 但近亲除外. at home in sth familiar and relaxed with sth 熟练掌握某事物; 驾轻就熟 Is it difficult to feel at home in (ie confident when using) a foreign language? 精通一门外语难不难? charity begins at home => charity. close/near to home close to the point at which one is directly affected 即将受到触及; 临到自己头上 Her remarks were embarrassingly close to home. 她说的那些话很露骨而使人感到很尴尬. The threat of war is coming steadily nearer to home. 战争的威胁正在一步步地临近. eat sb out of house and home => eat. an Englishman´s home is his castle => Englishman (English). a `home bird person who likes to spend as much time as possible at home because he is happiest there 喜欢待在家里的人. a ,home from `home place where one is as happy, comfortable, etc as in one´s own home 像自己家里一样惬意、 舒适等的处所 You will find our hotel a true home from home! 本旅社将使你感到宾至如归! a ,home `truth unpleasant fact about a person told to him by sb else (从他人那里听到的有关自己的)不愉快的事实 It´s time you listened to a few home truths about yourself. 你该听一些逆耳之言了. one´s spiritual home => spiritual. there´s no place like home => place1. when he´s, it´s, etc at `home (joc 谑) (used facetiously to emphasize a question 用以加强疑问句的诙谐语气) Who´s Gloria Button when she´s at home? 那位格洛丽亚?巴顿是何许人也? home adj [attrib 作定语] 1 (a) of or connected with one´s home 家的; 家庭的 have a happy home life 过幸福的家庭生活 home comforts 家庭生活的种种享受. (b) done or produced at home 家里做成的; 家里制造的: home cooking 家常饭菜 home movies 家里自拍的影片. 2 in one´s own country; not foreign; domestic 本地的; 本国的; 国内的 home industries 本地工业 the home market 国内市场 * home news 国内新闻. 3 (sport 体) played on or connected with one´s own ground 在本地或主方赛场举行的 a home match, win, defeat 在主场举行的比赛、 获得的胜利、 遭到的失败 the home team, ie the one playing at home 主队 playing in front of their home crowd (主队)在本地群众面前的比赛. home adv 1 at, in or to one´s home or country 在家; 到家; 向家; 在家乡; 到家乡; 向家乡; 在国内; 到国内; 向国内 Is he home yet? 他到家了吗? She´s on her way home. 她正在回家的路上. He went home. 他回家去了. Will the Spanish authorities send him home for trial? 西班牙当局要把他押送回国审讯吗? (US) stay home, ie stay at home 待在家里. 2 to the point aimed at; as far as possible 正中目标; 尽可能地 drive a nail home 把钉子钉到头儿. 3 (idm 习语) be, etc nothing to write home about => write. bring home the `bacon (infml 口) achieve sth successfully 成就某事物. bring sth `home to sbmake sb realize sth fully 使某人彻底了解某事物 The television pictures brought home to us all the plight of the refugees. 我们从电视上知道了难民所处的一切困境. come `home (to sb) become fully (and often painfully) clear 完全(常为令人痛苦地)明白. come home to `roost (of words) take effect upon the person who has said them (指言语)应验到说出者本人身上. drive sth home => drive1. drive the point home => drive1. hit/strike `home (of remarks, etc) have the intended (often painful) effect (指言语等)产生预期的(常为令人痛苦的)效果, 击中要害 I could see from her expression that his sarcastic comments had hit home. 从她的表情中我可以看出他那些挖苦人的话已经触及她的痛处. (be) home and `dry safe and successful, esp after a difficult time 大功告成而能完好无损的(尤指历经过困难). invalid sb home => invalid2 v. press sth home => press2. romp home/in => romp. till the cows come home => cow1. when one´s ship comes home/in => ship1. home v 1 [I] (of a trained pigeon) fly home (指信鸽)飞回自己的窝, 归巢. 2 (phr v) home in (on sth) be directed or move towards sth 对准某事物; 朝某事物运动 The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标. Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around. 流行歌曲的爱好者纷纷从四面八方向音乐会的举办地点聚集. |
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