

单词 herd
释义 herd n 1 [C] number of animals, esp cattle, feeding or staying together 兽群; 牧群; (尤指)牛群     a herd of cows, deer, elephant(s), etc 一群牛、 鹿、 象等. 2 the herd [sing] (usu derog 通常作贬义) large number of people; mob 人群; 群氓     the common herd 普通民众     He preferred to stick with the herd (ie do the same as everyone around him) so as not to be noticed. 他愿随大溜以免引人注目. herd, v 1 [Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] move or drive (sb/sth) forward as a herd in the specified direction (某人[某物])成群地移动; 驱赶成群的(某人[某物])     The prisoners were herded (together) onto the train. 一群囚犯被驱赶著押送上了火车. 2 [Tn] look after (sth) in a herd 牧放(兽群)     a shepherd herding his flock 正在放牧的牧羊人.




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