

单词 heel
释义 heel n 1 (a) back part of the human foot 足跟. =>illus at foot 见foot插图. (b) part of a sock, stocking, etc covering this (袜子等的)踵部, 後跟. (c) part of a boot or shoe supporting this (鞋、 靴的)後跟. =>illus at shoe 见shoe插图. 2 thing like a heel in shape or position 外形或位置似踵部之物     the heel of the hand, ie the front part next to the wrist 手掌根(手掌近腕部分). 3 (sl 俚) dishonourable man; rogue; villain 无耻之徒; 恶棍; 坏蛋. 4 (idm 习语) an/one´s Achilles´ heel => Achilles. at/on sb`s `heels; on the heels of sth following closely after sb/sth 紧跟在某人[某事物]後面     The thief ran off with an angry crowd at his heels. 那小偷在前面跑, 一群愤怒的人在後面紧追.     Famine often follows on the heels of war. 战争过後常闹饥荒. bring sb/sth to `heel/come to `heel (a) (force sb to) submit to discipline and control (迫使某人)服从纪律和管束     The rebels have been brought to heel. 反叛者被压制住了. (b) (cause a dog to) come close behind its owner (让狗)紧跟在主人後面     I´m training my dog to come to heel. 我在训练我的狗让它紧跟著我. cool one´s heels => cool2. dig one´s heels/toes in => dig1. ,down at `heel (a) (of shoes) with the heels worn down by wear (指鞋)後跟磨掉的. (b) (of a person) untidy and poorly dressed; shabby (指人)邋遢的, 衣衫褴褛的, 穿著寒酸的. drag one´s feet/heels => drag2.hard on sb´s heels => hard2. head over heels => head1. hot on sb´s heels => hot. kick one´s heels => kick1. ,kick up one´s `heels behave excitedly (esp to show joy at freedom) 欢蹦乱跳(尤为表现无束缚之轻松愉快). show a clean pair of heels => show2. ,take to one´s `heels run away 逃走     We took to our heels and ran. 我们拔腿就跑. tread on sb´s heels => tread. ,turn on one´s `heel turn sharply round and go in the opposite direction 急转身回头走. under the heel of sb dominated by sb 受某人支配. heel, v [Tn] repair the heel of (a shoe, etc) 给(鞋等)修後跟     These shoes need soling and heeling. 这鞋需上鞋底和修後跟. heel v [I, Ip] ~ (over) (of a ship) lean over to one side (指船)倾侧     The boat heeled he strong wind. 船在大风吹袭下倾到了一边.




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