

单词 haul
释义 haul v 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] pull or drag (sth) with effort or force 用力拖或拉(某物)     sailors hauling (away) (on the ropes) 拽著(绳索)(不放)的水手     elephants hauling logs 拖运木材的象     haul a car out of the mud 把小汽车从烂泥里拽出来     They hauled the boat up the beach. 他们把船拖上岸. =>Usage at pull2 用法见pull2. 2 [Tn] transport (sth) by lorry, etc 用卡车等运送(某物). 3 (idm 习语) ,haul sb over the `coals (infml 口) reprimand sb severely 严厉斥责某人     I was hauled over the coals for being late. 我因迟到而受到了严厉的训斥. 4 (phr v) haul sb up (before sb) (infml 口) bring sb to be tried or reprimanded 把某人带上来审问或训斥     He was hauled up before the local magistrates for disorderly conduct. 他因妨害治安被送交地方法官究办. haul, n 1 act of hauling 拖; 拉; 运送. 2 (usu sing 通常作单数) distance to be travelled 移动的距离     short/medium/long haul aircraft 短程[中程/远程]运输飞机     Our camp is only a short haul from here. 我们的营地近在咫尺. 3 (a) quantity of fish caught in a net at one time 一网的捕鱼量     The fishermen had a good haul. 渔民捕得满满一网鱼. (b) (fig 比喻) amount gained by effort 经努力获得的数量     The thief got away with a huge haul. 那个贼偷走了大量财物. 4 (idm 习语) a long haul => long1.




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