

单词 grit
释义 grit n[U] 1 tiny hard bits of stone, sand, etc 细石子、 沙粒等     spread grit on icy roads 往结冰的路上撒沙子     I´ve got some grit/a piece of grit in my shoe. 我的鞋里进了沙子. 2 quality of courage and endurance 勇气和毅力     Mountaineering in a blizzard needs a lot of grit. 在暴风雪中登山需要极大的勇气和毅力. grit, v (-tt-) 1 [Tn] cover (sth) with grit; spread grit on (esp icy roads) 以沙砾覆盖(某物); 撒沙砾於(尤指结冰的道路)上. 2 (idm 习语) grit one´s `teeth (a) keep one´s jaws tight together 咬紧牙关. (b) (fig 比喻) summon up one´s courage and determination 鼓起勇气下定决心     When things get difficult, you just have to grit your teeth and persevere. 遇到困难只需咬紧牙关坚持下去.




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