

单词 go
释义 go * MOVEMENT 动作 (Senses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 refer esp to movement away from the place where the speaker or writer is or a place where he imagines himself to be. 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6各义尤指从说话的人或书写的人所在之处离去的动作, 或从其想像所处之处离去的动作. ) 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip] move or travel from one place to another 去     Are you going (there) by train or by plane? 你坐火车去还是乘飞机去(那儿)?     She went into her room and shut the door behind her. 她进入自己的房间, 关上了门.     I have to go to London on business tomorrow. 明天我要到伦敦去办事.     I think you ought to go to/to go and see (ie consult) the doctor. 我认为你应当去找医生看看病.     Would you go and get me a glass of water? 你去给我倒杯水来好吗?     She has gone to see her sister this weekend. 她本周末看姐姐去了.     We´re going to France for our holidays this year. 我们今年要去法国度假.     She has gone to China, ie is now in China or is on her way there. 她到中国去了.     He goes to work by bus. 他坐公共汽车上班.     Go away and leave me alone! 走开, 别打搅我!     Are you going home for Christmas? 你回家过圣诞节吗? =>Usage at and 用法见and. (b) [I] leave one place in order to reach another; depart 离去     I must go/be going now. 我现在得走了.     They came at six and went at nine. 他们六时来的, 九时走的.     Has she gone yet? 她走了吗?     When does the train go? 火车什麽时候开?     She´s been gone an hour, ie She left an hour ago. 她已离开一个小时. (c) [I, Ipr] ~ (to sth) (with sb) move or travel with sb to a particular place or in order to be present at an event 与某人去某处     I went to the cinema with Denise last night. 昨晚我和丹尼斯去看电影了.     Dave´s having a party tonight; are you going (to it)? 戴夫今晚举行晚会, 你去吗?     Who are you going with? 你和谁一起去?     I´ll be going with Keith. 我和基思一起去.     His dog goes everywhere with him. 他的狗总跟著他. 2 [Ipr] ~ to sth (a) (usu without a or the 通常不与a或the连用) move or travel to (the place specified) for the purpose esp associated with it 为某目的去某处     go to hospital, ie for medical treatment 去医院(治疗)     go to prison, ie be sent there for having committed a crime 进监狱(因犯罪)     go to market, ie to sell one´s produce 上市场(卖货). (b) (usu without a or the 通常不与a或 the连用) attend (a place), esp regularly 参加, 出席(尤指经常地)     go to church, school上教堂去做礼拜、 上学     Did you go to (ie study at) university? 你上过大学吗? 3 [Ipr] (a) ~ for sth (also used with the -ing form of a v 与动词-ing形式运用) leave a place or travel to a place to take part in an activity or carry out an action 离开某处或去某处参加活动或进行活动     go for a walk, swim, run, etc 去散步、 游泳、 跑步等     Annie´s not in; she´s gone for a walk. 安妮不在家, 她出去散步了.     Shall we go for a drink (ie at a pub or bar) this evening? 今晚我们去喝酒好吗?     go fishing, hiking, jogging, sailing, pot-holing, etc 去钓鱼、 远足、 慢跑、 做帆船运动、 探岩洞等     I have to go shopping this afternoon. 今天下午我得去买东西. (b) ~ on sth leave a place with the purpose of undertaking sth 离开某处去做某事     go on a journey, an outing, a trip, a cruise, (a) safari 去旅行、 郊游、 短途旅行、 乘船旅游、 狩猎旅行     Richard isn´t at work this week; he´s gone on holiday. 理查德本周不上班, 他去度假了.     After leaving college she went on a secretarial course. 她从学院毕业以後又学习秘书课程. 4 [I] move or travel in the specified way or over a specified distance 以某方式移动或经过某距离     That car is going too fast. 那辆汽车开得太快了.     We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down. 我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了.     We still have five miles to go, ie until we reach our destination. 我们还要走五英里. 5 (used with the -ing form of a v to show that sb/sth moves in the specified way or that sb/sth is doing sth while moving 与动词-ing形式连用, 表示某人[某事物]以某方式移动或在移动中做某事物)     The car went careering off (ie careered off) the road into a ditch. 汽车猛地冲出公路跌进沟里.     The train went chugging (ie chugged) up the hill. 火车轰隆隆地爬上山去.     She went sobbing (ie was sobbing as she went) up the stairs. 她抽抽搭搭地上楼去了. 6 [I, Ipr] be sent or passed on 发送; 传递     Will this letter go by tonight´s post? 这信今晚能邮走吗?     Such complaints must go through the proper channels. 这种意见应当通过适当渠道反映.     I want this memo to go to all departmental managers. 这份备忘录要送交各部门的经理. 7 [La, I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (from...) to... extend or lead from one place to another 从一地伸展或通向另一地     The roots of this plant go deep. 这种植物的根系扎得很深.     (fig 比喻) Differences between employers and workers go deep. 雇主和工人间的分歧很大.     Does this road go to London? 这条公路通往伦敦吗?     I want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground. 我要一条绳, 其长度能自最上一扇窗户垂到地面.     Our garden goes down as far as the river. 我们的花园一直延伸到河边. go * POSITION 位置 8 (a) [I, Ipr] have as a usual or proper position; be placed 放, 置, 摆, 在(通常的或应在的位置)     This dictionary goes on the top shelf. 这部词典放在最上一格.     Where do you want the piano to go? ie Where shall we put it? 你想把钢琴放在哪儿?     `Where does this teapot go?´ `In that cupboard.´ `这把茶壶放在什麽地方?'`放到那个柜橱里.' (b) [I, Ipr, Ip] be contained (in sth); fit (in sth) 被容纳(在某事物中); 装(进某物中)     This key won´t go in (the lock). 这把钥匙插不进(那把锁中).     My clothes won´t all go into that tiny suitcase. 那个小衣箱装不下我所有的衣物. (c) [I, Ipr] (of a number) be contained in another number, esp without a remainder (指数)包含在另一数中(尤指无余数)     3 into 12 goes 4, ie is contained in 12 four times 3除12得4     7 into 15 won´t go/7 won´t go into 15 7除不尽15. go * ACTIVITY 行动 9 [I] (used with advs, or in questions after how 与副词连用, 或在疑问句中用於how之後) take place or happen in the way specified; turn out; progress 发生; 出现; 结果; 进行     `How did your holiday go?´ `It went (very) well.´ `你假日过得好吗?'`过得很好.'* The election went badly for the Conservatives. 选举结果对保守党不利.     Did everything go smoothly? 一切进行得顺利吗?     The meeting went better than we had expected. 会议开得比我们预料的好.     How´s it going?/How are things going? ie Is your life pleasant, enjoyable, etc at the moment? 一切可好(日子过得怎麽样)?     The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year. 从事态发展来看, 公司年底就要破产. 10 [I] (esp in commands 尤用於命令语句) start an activity 开始某行动     I´ll say `One, two, three, go!´ as a signal for you to start. 我喊`一、 二、 三、 开始!'你就开始. 11 [I] (of a machine, etc) function; work; operate (指机器等)运行, 工作, 运转     This clock doesn´t go. 这钟不走了.     Is your watch going? 你的表走吗?     This machine goes by electricity. 这机器是电动的. go * STATE 状态 12 [La, Ln] pass into the specified condition; become 进入某状态; 变为     go bald, blind, mad, pale, bankrupt 变秃、 变瞎、 变疯、 变苍白、 破产     Her hair is going grey. 她的头发日见花白.     This milk has gone sour. 这牛奶馊了.     Fish soon goes bad (ie rotten) in hot weather. 天热时鱼坏得快.     The children went wild with excitement. 孩子欣喜若狂.     Britain went Labour (ie changed politically by electing a Labour government) in 1945. 1945年英国转由工党执政. =>Usage at become 用法见become. 13 [La] be or live habitually in the specified state or manner 处於某状态; (以某方式)生活     She cannot bear the thought of children going hungry. 她想到儿童挨饿就受不了.     You´d better go armed, ie carry a weapon. 你最好带上武器. 14 (used with a negative past participle to show that an action does not take place 与否定式过去分词连用, 表示某动作未发生)     Her absence went unnoticed, ie was not noticed. 没有人注意到她缺席.     Police are worried that many crimes go unreported, ie are not reported to them. 警方不安的是很多罪行无人报案. go * SOUND 声音 15 [I, Ipr] ~ like sth (used esp in questions after how 尤用於疑问句中的how之後) (of a piece of music or writing) have a certain tune or wording (指一篇乐曲或文字)有某种基调或措辞     How does that song go? 那首歌是怎麽唱的?     The national anthem goes like this... 国歌是这样唱的...     I forget how the next line goes. 我忘记下一行是什麽了.     The story goes that she poisoned her husband/She poisoned her husband, or so the story goes, ie It is said that she poisoned him. 故事说她把丈夫毒死了. 16 (a) [Ln] make the specified sound 发出某种声音     The clock went `tick-tock, tick-tock´. 钟发出嘀嗒嘀嗒的声音.     The gun went `bang´. 枪砰的一声响了.     Cats go `miaow.´ 猫的叫声是`喵喵'. (b) [Ipr] make the specified movement 做某种动作     She went like this with her hand. 她用手这样比划著. 17 [I] be sounded as a signal or warning 发出信号或警告的声响     The whistle goes at the end of the match. 比赛结束时哨声响了.     No one may leave the classroom until the bell goes. 铃响以前任何人均不得离开教室.     If the fire-alarm goes, staff should assemble outside the building. 火警警报响时全体人员应到楼外集合. go * COMING TO AN END 结束 18 [I] cease to exist; disappear; vanish 不再存在; 消失; 消散     Has your headache gone yet? 你头痛好了吗?     I rubbed hard but the stain just wouldn´t go. 我使劲擦也擦不掉那污迹.     I left my bike outside the shop and when I came out again it had gone, ie somebody had taken it. 我把自行车放在商店外面, 等我出来时已不翼而飞了. 19 [I] (used after must, have to or can 用於must、 have to或can之後) be thrown away, rejected or dismissed 被扔掉、 驳回或辞退     The old settee will have to go. 那个长靠椅该扔掉了.     He´s incompetent; he´ll have to go. 他不称职, 得辞掉他. 20 [I] get worse; be lost 变坏; 丧失     His sight is going. 他的视力在衰退.     Her hearing went (ie She became deaf) in her seventies. 她70多岁时耳聋了.     His mind is going, ie He is becoming senile. 他心智日衰. 21 [I] become damaged or stop functioning properly 受损; 不起作用     My jumper has gone (ie has worn into holes) at the elbows. 我的毛衣肘部已磨坏.     I was driving into town when my brakes went, ie failed. 我正开车进城时, 制动器失灵了.     This light bulb has gone. 这灯泡不亮了.     Her voice has gone, ie She cannot speak properly, eg because she has a sore throat. 她嗓子哑了. 22 [I] (euph 婉) die 死: Old Mrs Davis has gone. 戴维斯老太太去世了. 23 [I, Ipr, It] ~ (on sth) (of money) be spent or used up (指钱)花掉, 用光     I don´t know where the money goes! 我不知道钱都花到什麽地方去了.     All her earnings go on clothes. 她挣来的钱都花在衣服上了.     Most of my salary goes on/in (paying) rent. 我薪水的大部分都用来付房租了.     The money will go to finance a new community centre. 这些钱将用来资助一个新社区中心. 24 [I, Ipr] ~ (to sb) (for sth) be sold 卖; 售     These socks are going at 1 a pair. 这些短袜每双卖1英镑.     The new dictionary is going well, ie A lot of copies of it are being sold. 这部新词典销路很好.     We shan´t let our house go for less than 50000. 我们的房子低於50000英镑不卖.     The antique table went to the lady in the pink hat. 这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了. go * COMMANDS 命令 25 (used in negative commands with a v in the -ing form to tell sb not to do sth 用於否定命令句, 与动词-ing形式连用, 告诉某人不要做某事)     Don´t go getting yourself into trouble! 别自找麻烦! 26 (infml 口 esp US) (used in commands with a v in the infinitive without to to send sb away angrily 用於命令句, 与不带to的动词不定式连用, 表示愤怒地打发某人走开)     Go jump in a lake! 滚开! go OTHER MEANINGS 其他意义 27 [It] contribute; help 促成; 有助於     This all goes to prove my theory. 这一切均有助於证明我的说法.     The latest unemployment figures go to show that government policy isn´t working. 最新的失业统计数字表明政府的政策行不通.     What qualities go to make a successful businessman? 企业家要具备什麽素质才能出人头地? 28 [I] (infml 口) (only in the continuous tenses 只用於进行时态) be available 现成可用; 可得到     There simply aren´t any jobs going in this area. 这地区简直没有工作可找.     Is there any tea going? ie Can I have some tea? 有茶吗? 29 [I] (of time) pass; elapse (指时间)过去, 消逝     Hasn´t the time gone quickly? 时间过得太快了吧?     There are only two days to go before the election, ie It takes place in two days´ time. 离选举只有两天了. 30 [Ipr, Ip] be willing to pay a certain amount of money for sth 愿付某数额的钱购买某物     He´s prepared to pay 2500 for the car but I don´t think he´ll go any higher. 他准备付2500英镑买这辆汽车, 我想他不会再多付了.     I´ll go to 2500 but no higher. 我愿出2500英镑, 不能再多了. 31 [Tn no passive 不用於被动语态] (in the game of bridge) declare or bid (桥牌戏中)叫牌     go two spades, three no trumps, etc 叫二黑桃、 三无王等. 32 (a) (used with to or into + a n in many expressions to show that sb/sth has reached the state indicated by the n 与to或into加名词连用可构成许多固定词组, 表示某人[某事物]已达到该名词所示的状态, 如 She went to sleep, ie began to sleep 她去睡觉了; The company has gone into liquidation, ie become bankrupt 公司已破产; for similar expressions see entries for ns 类似固定词组见有关名词词条, 如 go to pot => pot.) (b) (used with out of + a n in many expressions to show that sb/sth is no longer in the state indicated by the n 与out of加名词连用可构成许多固定词组, 表示某人[某事物]不再处於该名词所示的状态, 如 Flared trousers have gone out of fashion, ie are no longer fashionable 喇叭裤已不再流行; for similar expressions see entries for ns 类似固定词组见有关名词词条, 如 go out of use => use. ) 33 (idm 习语) `anything goes (infml 口) anything that sb says or does is accepted or allowed, however shocking or unconventional it may be 无论什麽事情(不管多麽惊人或不寻常)都有可能     Almost anything goes these days. 现在简直无奇不有. as people, things, etc go in comparison with the average person, thing, etc 就一般情况而论     Twenty pounds for a pair of shoes isn´t bad as things go nowadays, ie considering how much shoes usually cost. 一双鞋卖二十英镑, 就目前情况而论还算可以. be going on (for) sth be near to or approaching (the specified time, age or number); be getting on for sth 快到或接近(某时刻、 年龄或数目)     It must be going on (for) midnight. 现在一定快半夜了.     There were going on for (ie nearly) fifty people at the party. 参加聚会的将近五十人.     He must be going on for ninety. 他准有九十岁了.     She´s sixteen, going on seventeen. 她十六岁, 快十七岁了. be going to do sth (a) (used to show what sb is intending or planning to do in the future 用以表示某人打算做某事)     We´re going to spend our holidays in Wales this year. 今年我们打算到威尔士度假.     We´re going to buy a house when we´ve saved enough money. 我们打算攒够钱买所房子. (b) (used to indicate sth that is about to happen or is likely to happen in the future 用以表示某事物即将发生或很可能发生)     I´m going to be sick. 我要病了.     I´m going to be twenty next month. 下个月我就二十岁了.     I´m going to tell you a story. 我来给你讲个故事.     Look at those black clouds; there´s going to be a storm. 瞧那些乌云, 眼看要有暴风雨了. enough/something/sth to be going `on with something that is sufficient or adequate for the time being 暂敷所需; 足够目前之用     `How much money do you need?´ `50 should be enough to be going on with.´ `你需要多少钱?'`50英镑暂时够了.'     I can´t lend you the whole amount now, but I can give you something to be going on with. 我现在不能全部如数借给你, 不过可以给你些应急.     Here´s a cup of tea to be going on with; we´ll have something to eat later. 先喝杯茶垫垫底儿, 咱们等一会再吃东西. go all `out for sth; go all out to `do sth make a very great effort to obtain sth or do sth 竭尽全力以获得某事物或做某事     The Labour Party are going all out for victory in/going all out to win the election. 工党全力以赴争取选举获胜. (phr v) go and do sth (used esp to express anger that sb has done sth foolish 尤用於表示因某人做了蠢事而恼怒)     Trust him to go and mess things up! 他就是那样, 总把事情弄得一团糟!     Why did you (have to) go and upset your mother like that? 你为什麽让你母亲那样伤心? go for `nothing be wasted or in vain 浪费; 白费     All her hard work has gone for nothing. 她的艰苦工作尽付东流. go `on (with you) (used to rebuke sb gently or to express disbelief 用以婉言反驳某人或表示不相信)     `How old are you?´ `I´m forty.´ `Go on with you you don´t look a day over thirty.´ `你多少岁了?'`四十了.'`去你的吧--你看起来绝对不超过三十岁.' go `to it (used esp in the imperative to encourage sb to do sth 尤用於祈使句, 以鼓励某人做某事) give energy and time to doing sth; make a special effort to do sth 用精力和时间做某事; 特别努力做某事     Go to it, John! You know you can beat him. 约翰, 干吧! 你知道你比他强.     We went to it and got the job done quickly. 我们一努力, 工作很快就做完了. here `goes/here we `go (infml 口) (used to show that one is about to do sth, esp sth new, exciting or risky 用以表示即将做某事, 尤指新的、 令人兴奋的或冒险的事物)     Well, here goes wish me luck! 那麽, 看我的吧--祝我走运吧! (have) a lot, plenty, not much, nothing, etc `going for one (have) many, not many, etc advantages (有)很多有利条件、 没(有)什麽有利条件等     You´re young, intelligent, attractive     you´ve got a lot going for you! 你年轻、 聪明、 漂亮, 有很多有利条件! ,no `go (infml 口) not possible, permissible or desirable 不可能; 不可以; 不可取     I tried to get him to increase my salary but it was clearly no go. 我已尽力让他给我增加薪水, 但显然行不通. there goes sth (infml 口) (used to show regret that sth has been lost 用以表示因失去某物而感到惋惜)     They´ve scored again there go our chances of winning (ie we are now certain to lose) the match. 他们又得分了--这?quot;热颐怯涣肆? there sb `goes (again) (infml 口) (used to show annoyance, exasperation or resignation that sth said or done before has been, or is about to be, repeated 用以对说过的或做过的某事物竟然再次出现而表示厌烦、 愤怒或无可奈何)     There you go again, prying into other people´s affairs! 你又来探听人家的事了! to `go (US infml 口) (of cooked food sold in a restaurant or shop) to take away and eat elsewhere (指饭馆或商店出售的熟食)外卖的     Two pizzas to go! 来两份外卖的意大利饼! what/whatever ,sb says, `goes (infml 口) the specified person has total authority and must be obeyed 某人说了算     My wife wanted the kitchen painted white, and what she says, goes. 我妻子想把厨房刷成白色, 她说了算. ,where does sb ,go from `here? (esp of sb who is in a difficult situation) what action should sb take next (esp in order to improve the situation he is in)? (尤指处於困境的人)下一步该怎麽办?     Sales are down; redundancies are inevitable     where does the company go from here? 销售量下降、 裁员势在必行, 公司何去何从? ,who goes `there? (used by a sentry to order sb to say who he is 哨兵喝问对方身分的用语)     Halt, who goes there? 站住, 什麽人? (For other idioms containing go, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 与go搭配的其他习语见有关名词、 形容词等的词条, 如 go bananas => banana; go haywire => haywire. ) 34 (phr v) go a`bout (a) => go round/around/about. (b) (of a boat) change direction; tack (指船)改变航向, 抢风调向. go about sth continue to do sth; keep busy with sth 继续做某事物; 忙於某事物     go about one´s daily routine 忙於日常事务     Despite the threat of war, people went about their work as usual. 尽管战争一触即发, 人们仍像平时一样工作. go about sth/doing sth start to work at sth; approach or tackle sth; set about sth 开始做某事物; 处理某事物; 著手於某事物     You´re not going about the job in the right way. 你处理此事的方法不对.     How should I go about finding a job? 我应该怎样著手寻找工作? go about with sb => go round/around/about with sb. go n (pl goes ) 1 [C] person´s turn to play in a game (游戏中)轮到某人的机会     Whose go is it? 该谁了? * It´s your go. 该你了. 2 [U] (infml 口 esp Brit) energy; vitality 精力; 活力; 生气     She´s full of/She´s got a lot of go! 她干劲冲天! 3 [C] (infml 口) attack of an illness (疾病的)侵袭, 发作     He´s had a bad go of flu. 他得过很重的流感. 4 (idm 习语) at one `go in one single attempt 一下子; 一举     He blew out all the candles on his birthday cake at one go. 他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛. be all `go (Brit infml 口) be very busy; be full of activity 繁忙; 活动多     It´s all go in the office today. 今天办公室里忙得不可开交. be on the `go (infml 口) be very active or busy 非常活跃或繁忙     I´ve been on the go all week. 我整个星期一直都很忙. have a `go (at sth/doing sth) (infml 口) make an attempt to do sth 企图, 尝试(做某事)     He had several goes at the high jump before he succeeded in clearing it. 他跳高时试跳了几次才跳过去.     I´ll have a go at mending your bike today. 我今天修修你的自行车. make a go of sth (infml 口) make a success of sth 使某事物成功     She´s determined to make a go of her new career. 她决心在新事业上有所成就.




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