

单词 get on
释义 get on (a) (also get along) (esp followed by an adv or used in questions after how 後尤接副词或用於疑问句的how之後) perform or fare in a particular situation; make progress 过日子; 进展; 进步     Our youngest son is getting on well at school. 我们的小儿子功课很有进步.     How did you get along in your driving test? 你的驾驶考试进展如何?     How are you getting along these days? ie Is your life enjoyable, successful, etc at the moment? 近来生活如何? (b) be successful in one´s life or career 出人头地     Parents are always keen for their children to get on. 父母总是热望子女有出息.     She´s ambitious and eager to get on (in the world). 她雄心勃勃, 一心要(在世上)出人头地. (c) (also get along) manage or cope 对付; 应付     I simply can´t get along without a secretary. 我没有秘书简直一筹莫展.     We can get on perfectly well without her. 我们没有她也能干得很好. get `on to sb (a) contact sb by telephone or letter (打电话或通信)与某人联系     If you wish to lodge a complaint you´d better get on to the manager. 你有什麽不满最好找经理提. (b) become aware of sb´s presence or activities; detect or trace sb 意识到某人的存在或活动; 侦查或追踪某人     He had been stealing money from the company for years before the police got on to him. 警方追查到他时, 他偷公司的钱已有多年了. (c) begin to discuss (a new subject) 开始讨论(新课题)     It´s time we got on to the question of costs. 我们该讨论费用问题了. get on with sb; get `on (together) have a friendly relationship with sb; get along with sb 与某人关系良好; 与某人和睦相处     She´s never really got on with her sister/She and her sister have never really got on. 她和妹妹一向合不来.     They don´t get on at all well together/with one another. 他们彼此极不和.     Our new manager is very easy to get on with. 我们的新经理非常随和. get on with sth (a) (also get along with sth) (esp followed by an adv or used in questions after how 後尤接副词或用於疑问句的how之後) make progress with a task 取得进展     How´s your son getting on with his French? 你儿子的法语学得好吗?     I´m not getting on very fast with this job. 我这份工作进展不太快. (b) continue doing sth, esp after an interruption继续做某事(尤指中断後)     Be quiet and get on with your work. 安静下来, 继续做你们的工作.




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