

单词 get into sb
释义 get into sb (infml 口) (of a feeling) affect, influence or take control of sb (指感情)影响或控制某人     I don´t know what´s got into him recently; he´s become very bad-tempered. 不知道他最近怎麽了, 脾气变得坏极了. get into sth (a) put on (a garment), esp with difficulty 穿上(衣服等)(尤指费力地)     I can´t get into these shoes; they´re too small. 这双鞋太小了, 我穿不进去. (b) start a career in (the specified profession) 开始从事(某职业)     get into accountancy, journalism, publishing, etc 从事会计、 新闻、 出版等工作. (c) become involved in sth; start sth 参与某事; 开始某事     get into an argument, a conversation, a fight (with sb) (和某人)争论、 谈话、 斗殴. (d) acquire or develop sth 得到或形成某事物     get into bad habits 染上恶习. (e) become familiar with sth; learn sth 熟悉某事物; 学会某事物     I haven´t really got into my new job yet. 我还未真正熟悉新工作. (f) (infml 口) develop a taste or liking for or an interest in sth 产生对某事物的爱好或兴趣     I´m really getting into jazz these days. 近来我喜爱上爵士乐了.     How did she get into (ie start taking) drugs? 她是怎麽吸起毒来的? get (oneself/sb) into sth (cause oneself/sb to) pass into or reach (the specified state or condition) (使自己[某人])进入或达到(某种状态或情形)     get into a fury, rage, temper, etc 愤怒、 勃然大怒、 发脾气     He got into trouble with the police while he was still at school. 他还在上学时就惹是生非与警方纠缠了.     She got herself into a real state (ie became very anxious) before the interview. 她还未面试就紧张极了.




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