

单词 get in
释义 get in (a) (of a train, etc or a passenger) arrive at its destination (指火车等或乘客)到达目的地     The train got in late. 火车到站误点了.     What time does your flight get in? 你乘的班机什麽时候到?     When do you normally get in from work? 你平时下班几点到家? get `in; get into sth be elected to a political position 被选任一政治职务     The Tory candidate stands a good chance of getting in. 保守党候选人很有当选可能.     Labour got in (ie won the election) with a small majority. 工党以微弱多数票在选举中获胜.     She first got into Parliament (ie became an MP) in 1959. 她1959年第一次获选进入议会. get (sb) in; get (sb) into sth (cause sb to) be admitted to a school, university, etc, esp after taking an examination (使某人)被接纳入学; (尤指)考取     He took the entrance exam but didn´t get in. 他参加了入学考试但未被录取.     She´s got into Durham to read law. 她考上达勒姆大学学法律.     She usually gets her best pupils into university. 她教的最好的学生通常都能考上大学. get sb in call sb to one´s house to perform a service 请某人到家中服务     We´ll have to get a plumber in to mend that burst pipe. 我们得请管子工来修理那根爆裂的管子. get sth in (a) collect or gather sth 收集或收获某物     get the crops, harvest, etc in 收获作物、 庄稼等. (b) buy a supply of sth 购某物供陆续使用     get coal in for the winter 买煤以备过冬     Remember to get in some beers for this evening! 记住为今日的晚会买些啤酒! (c) manage to do or say sth 设法做或说某事     I got in an hour´s gardening between the showers. 阵雨间歇时我抽空整理了一小时花园.     She talks so much that it´s impossible to get a word in. 她说个没完, 别人休想插话. get in on sth (infml 口) take part in (an activity) 参加(一活动)     She´s keen to get in on any discussions about the new project. 她一心想参加有关新计画的讨论. get in with sb (infml 口) (try to) become friendly with sb, esp in order to gain an advantage (极力)对某人亲近; (尤指)拉关系, 讨好     Have you noticed how he´s trying to get in with the boss? 你注意到他现在多巴结老板了吗?     He got in with a bad crowd at university. 他在大学里和一帮坏人厮混.




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