

单词 get back
释义 get back return, esp to one´s home 返回; (尤指)回家     What time did you get back last night? 昨晚你是什麽时候回来的?     We only got back from our holidays yesterday. 我们昨天才度假回来. get sth back obtain sth again after having lost it; recover sth 失而复得; 重新得到     She´s got her old job back. 她已重新获得从前那份工作.     I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借, 因为总是有去无回. get back (in) (of a political party) return to power after having lost it (指政党)重新执政     The Democrats hope to get back (in) at the next election. 民主党人希望在下次选举中重新执政. get back at sb (infml 口) take revenge on sb; retaliate against sb (向某人)复仇, 报复     I´ll find a way of getting back at him! 我早晚想法报复他! get back to sb speak or write to sb again later, esp in order to give a reply 以後再对某人说或给某人写信(尤指作覆)     I hope to get back to you on the question of costs by next week. 我希望下星期再回答你费用的问题. get back to sth return to sth 回到某事物上     Could we get back to the original question of funding? 我们可以回到最初有关集资的问题上吗?




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