

单词 gang
释义 gang n[CGp] 1 organized group of criminals (罪犯有组织的)一帮, 一伙     The gang are being hunted by the police. 警方正在追捕这帮匪徒. Cf 参看 gangster. 2 group of young people, usu males in their teens and early twenties, who are typically troublesome (闹事的青少年, 通常指男性)一群, 一伙     The phone box was vandalized by a gang of youths. 那电话亭被一群少年歹徒故意破坏了.     [attrib 作定语] gang warfare, ie fighting between rival gangs 打群架. 3 organized group of workers (工人有组织的)一队, 一组     a gang of builders, roadmenders, etc 一队建筑工、 修路工等. 4 [sing] (infml 口) group of people who regularly associate together (经常来往的)一伙人     The whole gang´s here tonight. 今晚伙伴们都在这里.     Don´t go around with that gang or you´ll come to no good! 别跟那伙人厮混在一起, 否则绝没有好下场.     (esp US) Hi, gang! 嘿, 伙计们! gang, v (phr v) gang together; gang up (with sb) (against sb) (derog 贬) act together (with sb) (against sb) (和某人)合伙(对付他人). gang up on sb (derog 贬) join together to hurt or frighten sb 结伙伤害或恐吓某人     bigger/older boys ganging up on smaller/younger ones 高大的[年纪大的]小伙子结伙欺侮身材[年纪]较小的男孩.




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