

单词 form
释义 form n 1 [C, U] outward physical appearance of sb/sth; shape 某人[某物]的外形; 外貌; 样子; 形状     a jelly mould in the form of a motor car 做成汽车形状的果冻     We could just manage to see the form of an aircraft taking off in the fog. 飞机在雾中起飞, 我们仅仅能看出它的轮廓.     her slender graceful form 她那苗条优美的体形. 2 [C] ~ (of sth) specific type of arrangement or structure of sth; manner in which sth exists or appears; kind or variety 某事物的具体组成或结构; 某事物存在的或呈现的形式; 形态; 体制; 种类     water in the form of ice 水呈冰的形态     different forms of government 各种政体     The training took the form of (ie consisted of) seminars and lectures. 这种培训是以讨论与讲课的形式进行的.     the form (ie set order of words) of the marriage service 婚礼仪式. 3 [U] general structure and arrangement of sth created such as a musical composition or piece of writing, in contrast to its content (音乐及文学作品等的)形式, 体裁     music in sonata form 奏鸣曲     literary form 文学体裁     This painting shows a good sense of form. 这幅画的构图很好. 4 [C, U] (grammar) (particular) spelling or pronunciation of a word 字形; 字的发音     The plural form of `goose´ is `geese´. goose的复数形式是geese.     The words `elevator´ and `lift´ are different in form but identical in meaning. elevator与lift形式相异但意义相同. 5 [U] particular manner of behaving, speaking, or writing that is normally required or expected 礼貌; 礼节     Although she is not entitled to attend the dinner, I think she should be invited as a matter of form, ie because it is correct or polite. 尽管她没有资格参加这次晚宴, 我认为出於礼节还是应该邀请她.     What is the form (ie the correct thing to do)? 按理说该怎麽做? 6 [U] (a) strength, fitness to compete with others, etc of an athlete, a horse, etc (运动员、 马等的)竞技状态     After six months training, the whole team is in superb form. 全队经过六个月的训练竞技状态极佳. (b) record of the actions, behaviour, progress, etc of a person, team, etc (对个人或全队等的动作姿态、 表现、 进步情况等的)记录     On present/current form, Spain will win tonight´s match. 就西班牙队目前的状态来看, 今晚的比赛他们能赢.     Judging by recent form, he should easily pass the exam. 从他最近的表现来看, 他应该很容易考及格.     I´ve got no record of this horse´s form. 我没有这匹马的情况记录. 7 [U] person´s feelings, humour or spirits 感情、 幽默或精神状态     They were both in fine/good form at dinner. 晚餐时他们俩的精神都很好. 8 (Brit sl 俚) record of having been found guilty of crimes and (usu) of having received a prison sentence 犯罪记录(通常指曾入狱者); 前科     He´s got no form! 他没有犯罪记录! 9 [C] class, esp in British private schools and some American private schools 年级(尤用於英国私立学校及美国部分私立学校的)     The youngest children are in the first form, the oldest in the sixth form. 最小的儿童上一年级, 最大的上六年级. 10 [C] long wooden bench, usu without a back 长木凳. 11 [C] printed or typed piece of paper with questions, and spaces for answers 表格     fill in an application form 填申请表. 12 [C] place where a hare lives; lair (野兔的)窝, 窟. 13 (idm 习语) bad/good `form (dated 旧) incorrect/correct social behaviour according to accepted standards 失礼的[有礼貌的]行为     It is sometimes considered bad form to smoke between courses at a meal. 在两道菜之间抽烟有时认为是失礼的. a form of address style of addressing sb in speech or writing 称呼     What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop? 给主教写信应该怎样称呼? in any shape or form => shape1. on/off `form; in/out of `form in a good/bad state of fitness, ability, etc; performing as well as/not as well as usual 处於良好的[不佳的]竞技状态; 表现如常[不如平常]     The team were on excellent form throughout the whole competition. 这个队在整个比赛过程中一直处於极好的竞技状态. on present form => present1. true to form => true. form v 1 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) give shape or structure to sth; fashion sth; produce sth 形成、 构成、 塑造或产生某事物     form a bowl from clay 用陶土做碗     form sentences and paragraphs 构成句子与段落     The reservoir was formed by flooding the valley. 这个水库是引水淹没山谷而形成的.     The substances are formed from a mixture of liquids solidifying under pressure. 这些材料是由几种液体混合在一起并加压使之凝固而成的. (b) [Ln] take a particular shape or structure; develop 成一定形状或结构; 发展; 成型. 2 [Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sb/sth) into sth arrange(sb/sth) or be arranged in a certain order 将(某人[某事物])按一定顺序排列     The children formed (into) a line/The teacher formed the children into a line. 这些小学生排成了一排[老师让学生排成一排].     The volunteers formed (themselves into) three groups. 志愿人员分成三组. 3 (a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (from sth) bring sth into existence; develop or organize sth 使某事物开始存在; 成立, 创立, 组织(某事物)     form a committee, society, company, etc 成立委员会、 协会、 公司等     The Labour leader was asked to form a government. 要求工党领袖组织政府.     (fig 比喻) form an idea, impression, opinion, etc (of sb/sth) 形成(对某人[某事物]的)想法、 印象、 意见等     form a relationship 建立关系. (b) [Ipr] come into existence; take shape or develop 开始存在; 出现; 产生     thunder clouds forming in the distance 远处出现的雷雨云     Ice forms (ie Water becomes solid) at 0C. 水在0C时结冰.     A scab formed on his leg. 他腿上结了个痂. 4 [Ln] be the material of (sth); be an essential part of (sth); constitute 成为(某事物的)材料; 成为(某事物的)基本部分; 构成     His research formed the basis of his new book. 他的研究成果是他这本新书的基础.     Should the new department form part of the Faculty of Arts? 这个新的系属文学院吗?     The historical aspect formed the main theme of her essay. 她的论文的主题是由历史观点贯穿起来的. 5 [Tn] instruct or train (sb/sth) 指导或训练(某人[某物]); 塑造; 养成     a character formed by strict discipline 靠严格的纪律培养起来的性格. 6 [Tn] produce (sth) as the particular spelling or pronunciation of a word 构成(字的某种拼写或发音形式)     form the plural of a noun by adding `s´ 在词尾加s构成名词的复数. 7 (phr v) form (sb) up move (sb) into position in lines, as on parade 将(某人)编入队伍     The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square. 全营以连为单位在军营广场上列队.




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