

单词 fork
释义 fork n 1 small implement with a handle and two or more points or prongs, used for lifting food to the mouth or holding things (esp meat) firmly while they are cut 叉子     eat with a knife and fork 使用刀叉吃东西. =>illus 见插图. 2 farm or gardening tool with a handle and prongs, used for digging the ground, lifting hay, etc 叉; 耙. =>illus 见插图. 3 (a) place where a road, river, tree branch, etc divides into two parts (路、 河、 树枝等的)分岔处, 岔口     Go up to the fork and turn left. 走到岔口处向左拐. (b) either of the two parts divided in this way 一个分岔     Take the right fork. 走右边




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