

单词 foreign
释义 foreign adj 1 (a) of, in or from a country or an area other than one´s own 外国的     foreign languages, goods, students 外国语、 外国货、 外国学生. (b) dealing with or involving other countries 外交的; 涉外的     foreign affairs 外交事务     foreign policy 外交政策     foreign trade 对外贸易     foreign aid, ie money, etc given by one country to another in need 外国的援助. 2 ~ to sb/sth (fml 文) not belonging naturally to sb/sth; alien to sb/sth; uncharacteristic of sb/sth 非某人[某事物]所固有的; 与某人[某事物]的本性相异     Dishonesty is foreign to his nature. 他的本性与弄虚作假格格不入. 3 (fml 文) coming or introduced from outside, usu by accident 来自外界的(通常指意外地)     a foreign body (eg a hair or speck of dirt) in the eye 眼中的异物(如毛发或灰尘).




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