

单词 firm
释义 firm adj (-er, -est) 1 (a) not yielding when pressed; fairly hard 坚实的; 结实的; 坚硬的     This wet ground is not firm enough to walk on. 这块湿地不够坚实, 不能在上面走.     firm soil 坚硬的土壤     a firm cushion, mattress, sofa, etc 结实的坐垫、 床垫、 沙发等     firm flesh/muscles 结实的肌肉. (b) strongly fixed in place; secure or solid 牢固的; 稳固的; 坚固的     firm foundations 坚固的基础     a firm foothold 稳固的立足点     firm concrete fencing 坚固的混凝土围墙材料. 2 (of a movement) steady and strong; not weak or uncertain (指动作)稳定而有力的     a firm handshake, grip, hold, etc 有力的握手、 紧抓、 紧握. 3 not subject to change; definite 不易改变的; 肯定的; 坚定的     a firm belief/believer in socialism 对社会主义的坚定的信念[拥护者]     a firm decision, date, arrangement, offer 不改变的决定、 确定的日期、 不更改的排列方式、 实盘     firm opinions, convictions, principles, etc 坚定的意见、 信念、 原则等     firm news, evidence, information, etc 可靠的新闻、 证据、 信息等     `Burnside´ is the firm favourite to win the race, ie the horse that is confidently expected to win. `伯恩赛德'是肯定会获胜的热门马. 4 ~ (with sb) strong and consistent in attitude and behaviour; not easily persuaded to change one´s mind; decisive 坚定的; 坚决的     Parents must be firm with their children. 父母对孩子一定要严格.     exercise firm leadership, control, discipline, etc 实行坚决的领导、 严格的控制、 严格的纪律等     `I don´t want to be unkind,´ he said in a firm voice. `我不想发狠心,'他以坚定的口吻说. 5 [usu pred 通常作表语] ~ (against sth) not lower than another currency, etc and possibly about to rise in price 稳定, 坚挺(不低於其他货币等而且有可能升值的)     The pound remained firm against the dollar, but fell against the yen. 英镑对美元保持稳定, 但对日元则疲软. 6 (idm 习语). firm, v 1 [I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p] ~ (sth) (up) (cause sth to) become firm (使某物)变得坚实、 稳固     firm (up) soil 把土地弄得坚实. 2 (phr v) firm sth up (a) put sth into a final fixed form 使某物最後达到固定的形式或状态     firm up a contract, deal, agreement, etc 使合同、 交易、 协议等达成最後形式. (b) make (part of the body) firmer and less fatty 使(身体某部)更结实, 脂肪少     Exercise will firm up your muscles. 锻炼身体能使肌肉结实. firm, adv (idm 习语) hold firm to sth not abandon a principle, theory, etc 不放弃原则、 理论等     hold firm to one´s beliefs, ideals, principles, etc 坚持自己的信仰、 理想、 原则等. stand fast/firm => fast2. firm n [CGp] (esp infml 尤作口语) businesscompany 公司; 商行; 商号     a firm of accountants 会计师事务所     our firm has/have made 200 workers redundant 我们公司已裁减200名雇员.




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