

单词 false
释义 false adj 1 wrong; incorrect 错误的; 不正确的     sing a false note 唱错音符     `A whale is a fish. True or false?´ `鲸鱼是一种鱼. 对还是错?' 2 (a) not genuine; artificial 假的; 人造的     false hair, teeth, etc 假发、 假牙. (b) sham; pretended 冒充的; 假装的: false modesty 假谦虚     false tears 虚伪的眼泪. (c) [usu attrib 通常作定语] misleading; not what it appears 引起误会的; 与外观不符的     a false sense of security, ie feeling safe when one is really in danger 虚假的安全感     false economy 不合算的节约     give a false impression of great wealth 给人造成很富有的假像     hounds following a false scent 沿著误入歧途的臭迹追踪的猎狗. (d) deliberately made incorrect in order to deceive 弄虚作假的; 伪造的     false weights, scales, dice, etc 假的砝码、 天平、 色子等     a false passport 假护照     a false bottom, ie the disguisedbottom of a suitcase, etc concealing a secret compartment(手提箱等秘密藏物用的)假底. 3 deliberately meant to deceive; lying 有意欺骗的; 不诚实的; 虚妄的: false evidence 伪证     present false claims to an insurance company 向保险公司提出伪造的索赔要求. 4 ~ (to sb) unfaithful; disloyal 不忠实的; 无信义的     a false friend/lover 不忠实的朋友[情人]. 5 [attrib 作定语] inaccurately named 命名不准确的     the false acacia, ie not really an acacia tree, despite its name 刺槐(非真正的金合欢树). 6 (idm 习语) a false a`larm warning or panic about sth which does not happen 虚假的警报; 虚惊     The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to be a false alarm. 汽油短缺的谣传原来是一场虚惊. (make) a false `move unwise or forbidden action that may have unpleasant consequences (可能带来不良後果的)不明智的或不允许的行为     `One false move and you´re a dead man,´ snarled the robber. 那强盗厉声叫道     `不许动, 不然就打死你.' (make) a false `start (a) (in athletics) start made before the signal (eg for a race) has been given (运动中)抢在信号令前行动(如赛跑中的抢跑). (b) unsuccessful beginning 不顺利的开端     After several false starts, she became a successful journalist. 她开始时遇到几次挫折, 後来才成为能干的记者. (take) a false `step (make) a wrong move or action 失足; 失策     A false step could have cost the climbers their lives. 爬山者一失足就会丧命. in a false po`sition in circumstances which result in sb being misunderstood or acting against his principles 处於被人误解的地位; 处於违背自己的原则的境地. on/under false pre`tences pretending to be sb else or to have certain qualifications, etc in order to deceive 冒充某人或冒充有某资格以行骗     obtaining money on false pretences 以诈骗手段骗钱. strike/sound a false `note say or do the wrong thing 说错话[做错事]     He struck a false note when he arrived for the wedding in old clothes. 他做错了一件事, 不该穿旧衣服去参加婚礼. (sail) under false `colours (a) (of a ship) displaying a flag which it has no right to use (指船)挂著伪旗(航行). (b) pretending or appearing to be different from what one really is 冒充的; 披著伪装骗人的. false, adv (idm 习语) play sb `false deceive or cheat sb 欺骗某人.




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