

单词 eye
释义 eye n 1 (a) organ of sight 眼睛: I can´t see out of this eye. 我这只眼看不见东西.     She opened/closed her eyes. 她睁开[闭上]眼睛.     He is blind in one eye. 他有一只眼失明.     He lost an eye in the war. 他在战争中瞎了一只眼睛.     [attrib 作定语] The surgeon is performing an eye operation. 医师正在做眼科手术. =>illus 见插图. (b) visible coloured part of this; iris 虹膜     have blue eyes 有蓝眼睛. 2 power of seeing; observation 视力; 眼力     She has sharp eyes, ie very good eyesight. 她视力极好.     To her expert eye, the painting was terrible. 她以内行的眼光看, 这幅画糟透了.     His eyes fell upon (ie he saw) an advertisement in the magazine. 他看到杂志上的一则广告上. 3 thing like an eye 似眼之物; 眼状物     the eye of a needle, ie the hole for the thread 针鼻儿(针上引线的孔)     a hook and eye, ie fastening with a hook and loop for a dress, etc 一副钩扣(系衣服的钩与环)     the eye of a potato, ie point from which a leaf bud will grow 马铃薯的芽眼 4 (idm 习语) a bird´s eye view =>bird. the apple of sb´s eye =>apple. as far as the eye can see far2. be all `eyes be watching intently 目不转睛地看; 全神贯注地看     The children were all eyes as we opened the parcel. 孩子们目不转睛地看著我们把包裹打开. cast an eye/one´s eye(s) over sb/sth =>cast1. catch sb´s attention/eye =>catch1. clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth see sb/sth 看见某人[某物]     I disliked the place the moment I clapped eyes on it. 我一看见这个地方就讨厌.     I hope I never set eyes on him again. 我希望再也不要见到他了. close one´s eyes to sth =>close4. cry one´s eyes/heart out =>cry1. do sb in the `eye (infml 口) hurt or humiliate sb 伤害某人; 羞辱某人     He certainly did his colleagues in the eye when he got the boss´s approval. 他得到老板的夸奖, 确也得罪了同事. easy on the ear/eye =>easy1. the evil eye =>evil. an ,eye for an `eye a punishment as severe as the injury that was suffered; retaliation 以眼还眼; 报复     The death penalty for murder works on the principle of an eye for an eye. 犯谋杀罪处以死刑, 其原则是一命抵一命. the eye of the `storm a relatively calm spot in the centre of a storm, esp a hurricane 台风眼. the eye of the `wind (also the wind´s `eye) point from which the wind is blowing 起风处; 风眼. sb´s eyes are bigger than his `stomach (saying 谚) someone is too greedy in asking for or taking more food than he can eat 眼大肚小; 眼馋肚饱. eyes `right/`left/`front (as a military command) turn the head and look to the right, etc (用作军令)向右看齐[向左看齐/向前看]. feast one´s eyes =>feast. find/lose favour with sb/in sb´s eyes =>favour1. for `sb´s eyes only only to be looked at, read, etc by the person specified 只给所指定的人看、 读等     The top secret file was marked `For the President´s eyes only´. 在绝密档案上标有`只供总统亲阅'字样. get one´s `eye/`hand in (in ball games) become able, through practice, to follow with one´s eyes the movement of the ball/to hit the ball accurately (在球戏中)通过锻炼能用眼跟上球的动向[准确击球]     Now that she´s got her eye in she plays an excellent game of tennis. 她已能盯住球了, 所以网球打得很好. give sb/get the (glad) `eye (infml 口) give sb/get inviting or amorous looks 向某人传送[看到传来的]诱人的或多情的眼色; 抛媚眼; 送秋波     The woman at the next table was giving him the glad eye. 坐在旁边桌子那儿的女子向他抛媚眼. glance one´s eye down/over/through sth =>glance. a gleam in sb´s eye =>gleam. have an eye for sth be a good judge of or have a proper sense of sth 对某事物有判断力或鉴赏力; 有眼力; 有眼光     He has an eye for a bargain. 他识便宜货. have eyes in the back of one´s `head observe everything (without seeming to do so) 脑袋後边长著眼睛; (留意到一切而不露声色)     How did you know I was behind you? You must have eyes in the back of your head. 你怎麽知道我在你後边? 你脑袋後面准是长眼睛了吧. have/with an eye to sth/doing sth have/having sth as one´s aim or purpose 将某事作为自己的目标或目的     He always has an eye to business, ie looks for a chance of doing business. 他总是找机会做生意.     He kept the customer talking with an eye to selling him something else. 他引著顾客说个不停, 想再卖给人家一些别的东西. have/with an eye for/on/to the main `chance look/looking for an opportunity for personal gain (esp to make money) 找便宜(尤指赚钱) have, etc one´s eyes on stalks be looking at sth with fascination, astonishment, etc 著迷地、 惊奇地...看著某事物 have a roving eye =>rove. hit sb in the eye =>hit. if you had half an eye if you were not so dull and unobservant 假如你不是瞎了眼睛; 你要是稍微留意一下 in the eyes of the `law, `world, etc from the point of view of the law, etc; as the law, etc sees it 从法律等的角度看; 就法律等的观点而言     In the eyes of the law she is guilty though few ordinary people would think so. 从法律上说, 她有罪; 但一般人不见得这麽看. in the eyes of `sb/in `sb´s eyes in the opinion or estimation of sb 在某人的心目中; 在某人看来     In your father´s eyes you´re still a child. 在你父亲的眼里你仍是个孩子. in one´s mind´s eye =>mind1. in the public eye =>public. in the twinkling of an eye =>twinkle. keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth =>close1. keep an `eye on sb/sth make sure that sb/sth is safe, etc; look after sb/sth 照料某人[某事物]     Keep an eye on the baby. 照看一下这个婴儿.     Could you keep an eye on my suitcase for a moment? 你能给我照管一会儿手提箱吗? keep an eye open/out (for sb/sth) (infml 口) watch for sb/sth; look out for sb/sth 留心或注意某人[某事物]     I´ve lost my ring could you keep an eye out for it when you clean the house? 我的戒指不见了--你打扫房子时能留点儿神吗? keep one´s ears/eyes open =>open1. keep one´s `eyes peeled/skinned (for sb/sth) watch carefully; be observant 仔细观看; 留意     The tramp always keeps his eyes peeled for coins lying on the ground. 那流浪汉总是注意著寻找地上的硬币.     Keep your eyes skinned for a campsite! 留意找个宿营地! keep a weather eye open =>weather1. lift one´s eyes =>lift. (be unable to) look sb in the `eye(s)/`face (be unable to) look at sb steadily (because one feels ashamed, embarrassed, etc) (不能)直视某人(因觉得惭愧、 尴尬等)     Can you look me in the eyes and say you did´nt break the window? 你能正眼看著我说, 窗户不是你打碎的吗? make (`sheep´s) `eyes at sb look amorously at sb 向某人抛媚眼、 送秋波     The lovers were making sheep´s eyes at each other over the table. 恋人隔著桌子互送秋波. meet sb´s eye =>meet1. meet the ear/eye =>meet1. the mote in sb´s eye =>mote. (all) ,my `eye (infml 口) (esp of sth said that is intended to deceive or mislead) completely untrue or nonsensical (尤指所说的话意在欺骗或使人误解)瞎说, 胡说     She said she was only twenty-two --- twenty-two my eye! 她说她只有二十二岁--二十二岁, 胡说八道! the naked eye =>naked. never/not (be able to) take one´s `eyes off sb/sth never/not (be able to) stop watching sb/sth 目不转睛地看著某人[某物]     He couldn´t take his eyes off the beautiful newcomer. 他目不转睛地盯著那位新来的美人. not believe one´s ears/eyes =>believe. not a dry eye in the house =>dry1. one in the eye (for sb/sth) (infml 口) hard or unkind rejection or defeat 惨败; 挫折     If she gets the job, that´s one in the eye for Peter     he was desperate to get it. 假使她获得这份工作, 那对彼得是当头一棒; 他是拼命想得到这份工作的. only have eyes for/have eyes only for sb only be interested in or in love with (a specified person) 只对(某人)感兴趣; 只爱恋(某人)     It´s no use asking Kim to go out with you; she only has eyes for Mark. 你邀请金和你出去是白请, 她心目中只有马克. Open one´s/sb´s eyes (to sth) =>open2. out of the corner of one´s eye =>corner1. pull the wool over sb´s eyes =>pull2. the scales fall from sb´s eyes =>scale. (not) see eye to `eye with sb (not) agree entirely; (not) have similar views (不)完全一致; (没)有相同的看法     Jim and I have never seen eye to eye on this matter. 我和吉姆对此事的意见从来就不一致. see, etc sth with `half any eye see, etc sth at a glance 对某事物一目了然. shut/close one´s eyes to sth refuse to see or take notice of sth 对某事物视而不见     The government shuts its eyes to poverty. 政府对贫穷问题置若罔闻.     She closed her eyes to her husband´s infidelities. 她丈夫有不忠行为, 她却视而不见. a sight for sore eyes =>sight. there is more in/to sb/sth than meets the eye =>meet1. throw dust in sb´s eyes =>dust1. turn a blind eye =>blind1. under/before one´s very `eyes (a) in one´s presence; in front of one 当著某人的面; 在某人面前     `Ladies and gentlement! Before your very eyes I will cut this man in half,´ said the magician. `女士们、 先生们! 我要当著你们大家把这个人一分为二, '魔术师说. (b) without attempting to hide what one is doing 不想隐瞒自己所做的事     He stole the stuff from under my very eyes. 他当著我的面偷走的. (be) up to one´s ears eyebrows/ neck in sth =>ear. the wind´s eye = the eye of the wind. with one´s `eyes open fully aware of what one is doing 充分了解自己所做之事     I moved to this country with my eyes open; so I´m not complaining. 我迁居到这个国家是心中有数的, 所以我并无怨言.     He married her with her eyes wide open. 他娶她时心里有底. with one´s `eyes shut/closed without much effort; easily 没费多大力气; 轻易地     He´s cooked that meal so often he can do it with his eyes closed. 他常做那种饭菜, 闭著眼也能做. eye v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) observe or watch (sb/sth) in the specified way 以所述方式观察或观看(某人[某事物])     He eyed me with suspicion. 他怀疑地看著我.     They were ey(e)ing us jealously. 他们忌妒地看著我们. (b) look at (sth) with longing 渴望地看(某物)     The children were ey(e)ing the sweets. 孩子们眼巴巴地看著糖果. 2 (phr v) eye sb up (and down) (infml 口) look at sb amorously (in order to try to attract) 含情脉脉地看某人(以图吸引对方)     Did you see that creep eyeing up every woman at the party? 你看见那个讨厌的家伙了吗? 他对聚会上的每个女人都垂涎欲滴地打量不停.




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