

单词 expression
释义 expression n 1 (a) [U] action or process of expressing (express3 1) 表示; 表达     She gave expression to her sadness, ie said or showed how sad she was. 她流露出了悲伤之情.     The school encourages free expression in art, drama and creative writing. 学校鼓励师生在艺术、 戏剧和文学创作上自由发挥.     The scenery was beautiful beyond expression, ie too beautiful to describe. 那景色妙不可言.     The poet´s anger finds expression (ie a means of expressing itself) in the last line of the poem. 诗人在诗中最後一行把愤怒宣泄出来. (b) [C] (fml 文) instance or example of this 表示; 表达     expressions of welcome to the queen 对女王欢迎的表示     They greeted the president with many expressions of pleasure. 他们兴高采烈地欢迎总统. 2 [C] look on a person´s face that shows a mood or feeling 神色; 表情     a happy expression 愉快的神情     `I don´t understand,´ he said, with an expression of complete surprise (on his face). `我不明白,'他说时(脸上)显出惊讶的神色. 3 [U] showing feeling for the meaning when playing music or speaking (演奏乐曲或说话时流露出的)感情     recite a poem with expression 带感情地朗读诗歌     She puts great expression into her violin playing. 她的小提琴演奏感情充沛. 4 [C] word or phrase 词; 词语     `Shut up´ (meaning `Stop talking´) is not a polite expression. `闭嘴'(意为`别说话')不是礼貌用语. * slang expressions 俚语. 5 [C] (mathematics 数) group of symbols expressing a quantity 式; 表达式     3xy2 is a mathematical expression. 3xy2是数学式.




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