

单词 expose
释义 expose v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr] (a) uncover or make (sth) visible; display 显露或露出(某事物); 显示     When he smiled he exposed a set of perfect white teeth. 他笑时露出了一口漂亮的白牙. (b) ~ sth/sb/oneself (to sth) uncover or leave sb/sth/oneself uncovered or unprotected 显露或暴露某人[某事物/自己]; 处於无遮蔽或不受保护的状态     The soil was washed away by the flood, exposing bare rock. 泥土被洪水冲走, 露出光秃秃的岩石.     expose soldiers to unnecessary risks 使士兵冒不必要的危险     expose one´s skin to the sun 使皮肤暴露於阳光下     The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain. 婴儿被离弃於风雨之中.     (fig 比喻) expose oneself to criticism, ridicule, mockery, etc 遭受批评、 嘲笑、 嘲弄等. 2 [Tn] (a) make known (sth secret); reveal 揭露(秘密); 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破; 显露     expose a plot, project, plan, etc 揭露阴谋、 方案、 计划等     That unfortunate remark exposed his ignorance of the subject. 他说了那句不妥的话, 暴露了自己对此事的无知. (b) make known (the guilt or wrongdoing) of ( a secretly guilty person) 揭露(某人)的(不为人知的罪恶或过错); 揭穿; 揭发; 揭破     expose crime, scandal, injustice, fraud, etc 揭露罪行、 丑闻、 冤假错案、 骗局等     expose a criminal, an impostor, a culprit, etc 揭露罪犯、 冒名顶替者、 犯错误的人等. 3 [Tn, Tn.pr] (in photography) allow light to reach (film, etc) (摄影)使(软片等)曝光     expose a reel of film 使一卷软片曝光. 4 [Tn] ~ oneself indecently show one´s sexual organs in public 猥亵性公开裸露自己的性器官     An old man was arrested for exposing himself to young children. 有个老头向儿童裸露性器官而遭逮捕. expose n 1 short statement of a number of facts or beliefs (对事实或主张的)简短的陈述. 2 account of the facts of a situation, esp when these are shocking or have been kept deliberately secret 叙述, 报道(尤指令人震惊的或曾故意保密的)     The newspaper published an expose of the film star´s past life. 报纸发表了该影星的逸闻.     an expose of corruption within the government 揭露政府内部腐败情况的报道.




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