

单词 exhaust
释义 exhaust n 1 [U] waste fumes, gases, steam, etc expelled from an engine or a machine (机器排出的)废气、 蒸气等     the smell of the exhaust 排出的废气气味     [attrib 作定语] exhaust fumes 排出的废气. 2 (also ex`haust-pipe) [C] outlet or pipe through which these gases are sent out 排气口; 排气管     My car needs a new exhaust. 我的汽车该换排气管了. =>illus at App 1 见附录1之插图, page xii. exhaust v [Tn] 1 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态] make (a person or an animal) very tired 使(人或动物)非常疲倦     The long cycle ride exhausted her. 她因长途骑车而疲惫不堪.     He exhausted himself in the attempt. 他因十分努力而筋疲力尽. 2 use (sth) up completely 用尽, 耗尽(某物)     exhaust one´s patience, strength 失去耐性、 用尽力气     exhaust a money supply 把钱用光. 3 make (sth) empty; take out the contents of 将(某物)弄空; 取出(所含之物)     exhaust a well 将井汲乾. 4 say, find out, all there is to say about (sth) 详尽论述(某事物)     I think we´ve just about exhausted that subject. 我认为我们对这一问题已差不多是言无不尽了.




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