

单词 absent
释义 absent adj 1 ~ (from sth) (a) not present (at sth); at another place (than...) 不在场的; 在别处的     be absent from school, a meeting, work 不上学, 不到会, 缺勤     absent friends 不在场的朋友们. (b) not existing; lacking 不存在的; 缺少的; 无     Love was totally absent from his childhood. 他童年时代没受到丝毫的疼爱. 2 showing that one is not really thinking about what is being said or done around one 茫然的; 恍惚的     an absent expression, look, etc 茫然的表情, 样子等. absent v [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ oneself (from sth) (fml 文) not be present (at sth); stay away (from sth) 不在; 不参与     He deliberately absented himself from the meeting. 他故意不到会.




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