

单词 ear
释义 ear n 1 [C] organ of hearing; its outer part 耳, 耳朵; 外耳     The doctor looked into my ears. 医生检查我的耳朵.     Rabbits have large ears. 兔子的耳朵很长.     [attrib 作定语] She´s got an `ear infection. 她耳朵感染了. =>illus 见插图. 2 [sing] an ~ (for sth) sense of hearing; ability to discriminate sounds, esp in music and language 听觉; (尤指音乐和语言中的)辨音力, 听力     She has a good ear for languages. 她学语言的听力很好. 3 (idm 习语) (be) all `ears (infml 口) listening attentively 倾听     Tell me your news; I´m all ears. 把你的新鲜事告诉我, 我洗耳恭听. box sb´s ears => box2. sth comes to/reaches sb´s `ears sb finds out about sth, eg news or gossip 某事物(如消息或闲话)传到某人耳朵里     If this news ever reaches her ears, she´ll be furious. 这个消息万一传到她的耳朵里, 她一定得大发雷霆. din in one´s ears => din v. sb´s `ears are burning sb suspects that he is being talked about, esp in an unkind way 某人耳朵发烧(怀疑遭人议论, 尤指说坏话)     All this gossip about Sarah her ears must be burning! 都在说萨拉的闲话--她耳朵一定发烧了! easy on the ear/eye => easy1. fall on deaf ears => deaf. feel one´s ears burning => feel1. give sb/get a thick ear => thick. go in (at) `one ear and out (at) the `other be heard but either ignored or quickly forgotten 一耳进一耳出; 左耳进右耳出; 当作耳边风     You´ve forgotten to buy the eggs! It (ie What I tell you) goes in one ear and out the other. 你忘记买鸡蛋了! 把我跟你说的话当成耳旁风了. have, get, win, etc sb´s `ear have or get sb´s favourable attention 获得某人的好感; 受到某人的重视. have/keep an/one´s ear to the `ground be aware of all that is happening and being said 注意周围的动静     Peter´ll know; he always keeps an ear to the ground. 彼得会知道的, 他耳听八方. have a word in sb´s ear => ordword. keep one´s ears/eyes open => open1. lend an ear => lend. make a pig´s ear of sth => pig. meet the ear/eye => meet1. music to one´s ears => music. not believe one´s ears/eyes => believe. (be) out on one´s `ear suddenly expelled, dismissed, etc 突遭驱逐、 开除、 解雇等. play (sth) by `ear play (music) by remembering how it sounds, ie without seeing a printed form 凭记忆演奏(乐曲)(即不看乐谱). play it by `ear (infml 口) act without preparation according to the demands of a situation; improvise 事前无准备而根据情况采取行动; 临时现做     I´ve had no time to prepare for this meeting, so I´ll have to play it by ear. 我没有时间准备这次会议, 所以只好有什麽谈什麽. prick up one´s ears => prick2. shut one´s ears to sth/sb => shut. smile, etc from ear to `ear smile, etc broadly, showing that one is very pleased or happy 眉开眼笑. turn a deaf ear => deaf. (be) up to one´s ears/eyes in sth very busy with or overwhelmed by sth 忙得不可开交; 深陷於某事物中     I´m up to my ears in work at the moment. 我现在工作忙极了. walls have ears => wall. with a flea in one´s ear => flea. wet behind the ears => wet. with half an `ear not very attentively 不很注意地     I was only listening to the radio with half an ear, while preparing some food. 我正在做吃的, 没太留心听收音机. ear n seed-bearing part of a cereal, eg wheat, barley, etc (麦子的)穗. =>illus at cereal 见cereal之插图.




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