

单词 dummy
释义 dummy n 1 [C] model of the human figure, used for displaying or fitting clothes, etc (用於展示或试穿服装等的)人体模型     a tailor´s dummy 服装店的人体模型. 2 [C] thing that appears to be real but is only an imitation 仿制品     The bottles of whisky on display are all dummies. 陈列的威士忌酒都是假的. 3 [C] (esp Brit) (US comforter, pacifier) rubber teat, not attached to a bottle, for a baby to suck (不装在瓶子上的)橡皮奶头. 4 [sing] (a) (in card-games, esp bridge) player whose cards are placed facing upwards on the table and played by his partner (纸牌游戏, 尤指桥牌)明手, 梦家(将牌摊出者). (b) these cards 明手、 梦家摊出之牌     She played a jack from dummy. 她从明手摊出的牌中打出一张J. 5 [C] (US infml 口) stupid person 笨蛋; 蠢货.




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