

单词 drink
释义 drink n 1 (a) [U, C] liquid for drinking 饮料     food and drink 食物与饮料     fizzy drinks 发嘶嘶声起泡的饮料. (b) [C] amount of liquid drunk or served 一杯或一份饮料     a drink of water 一杯水. 2 (a) [U] alcoholic liquor 酒     Isn´t there any drink in the house? 家里有酒吗? (b) [C] amount of this drunk or served 一杯或一份酒     How about a quick drink? 我们赶快喝杯酒好吗?     Drinks are on me, ie I will pay for them. 酒钱由我付.     He´s had one drink too many, ie He is slightly drunk. 他有点醉了. 3 [U] habit of drinking too much alcohol 酗酒; 纵酒     Drink is a growing problem among the young. 年轻人的酗酒问题越来越严重.     take to drink because of domestic problems 受家庭问题困扰而耽於饮酒. 4 the drink [sing] (sl 俚) the sea 海     We crash-landed in the drink. 我们在海上紧急降落. 5 (idm 习语) be the ,worse for `drink be very drunk 酩酊大醉. the demon drink => demon. drive sb to drink => drive1. meat and drink to sb => meat. drink v (pt drank , pp drunk ) 1 [I, Tn] take (liquid) into the mouth and swallow 喝; 饮     Some horses were drinking at a trough. 有些马在水糟边饮水.     He drank a pint of milk in one go. 他一口气喝了一品脱牛奶. 2 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (in/up) (of plants, the soil, etc) take in or absorb (usu water) (指植物、 土壤等)吸收, 吸入(通常为水分). 3 [I] take alcohol 喝酒: He never drinks. 他滴酒不沾.     They drink too much. 他们喝酒喝得太多了.     Don´t drink and drive! 切勿酒後开车! 4 [Tn.pr, Cn.a] bring (oneself) to a specified state by taking alcohol 使(自己)喝酒喝到某种程度     You´re drinking yourself to death. 你这样喝酒要喝掉命的.     (infml 口) They drank themselves stupid. 他们喝得晕头转向. 5 (idm 习语) drink sb´s `health/drink a health to sb (fml 文) express one´s respect or good wishes for sb, by drinking a toast 向某人祝酒. drink like a `fish (infml 口) habitually drink large quantities of alcohol (习惯性地)豪饮. drink/drain sth to the dregs => dregs. drink sb under the `table (infml 口) drink more alcohol than sb else without becoming as drunk 灌醉某人(自己喝得更多但不醉). you can take, etc a horse to water, but you can´t make him drink => horse. 6 (phr v) drink sth down/up drink the whole or the rest of sth, esp quickly 喝光, 喝乾(尤指很快饮尽)     I know the medicine tastes nasty, but drink it down. 我知道药味很苦, 不过还是一口灌下去吧.     (Brit) drinking-`up time, ie time allowed for finishing drinks before a public house closes (酒馆关门前允许顾客把酒喝完的)延长时间. drink sth in watch or listen to sth with great pleasure or interest 看得或听得出神     They stood drinking in the beauty of the landscape. 他们站在那儿尽情欣赏美景. drink (sth) to sb/sth express good wishes to sb/sth by drinking (a toast) 向某人[为某事]祝酒     drink to sb´s health, happiness, prosperity, etc 为某人健康、 幸福、 成功等乾杯     Let´s drink to the success of your plans. 让我们为你的计划成功乾杯.     I´ll drink to that! ie I agree. 我完全赞成!




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