

单词 do with sth
释义 do with sth (a) (used with can and could to express a need or desire for sth 与can和could连用, 表示需要或希望得到某事物)     You look as if you could do with (ie as if you need) a good night´s sleep. 你看来似乎需要好好睡上一夜.     I could do with a stiff drink! 我想要一杯烈酒. (b) (used in the negative with can and could 用於否定句中, 与can和could配合使用) tolerate sth 忍受某事物     I can´t do with his insolence. 我忍受不了他那傲慢无礼的态度.     If there´s one thing I can´t do with, it´s untidiness. 假若说有什麽东西我无法忍受的话, 那就是不整洁. do sth with sb/sth (used in questions with what 用於疑问句中, 与what配合使用)     What have you done with (ie Where have you put) my umbrella? 你把我的伞放在哪儿去了?     Tell me what you did with yourselves (ie how you passed the time) on Sunday. 告诉我你们怎样度过星期天的.     What are we going to do with (ie How are we going to use) the food left over from the party? 我们宴会上剩下的食物怎麽办呢?     She doesn´t know what to do with herself. 她不知道怎麽办才好.




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