

单词 do up
释义 do up be fastened; fasten 固定住; 扣上; 绑紧     This skirt does up at the back. 这条裙子是在後面系扣的. do oneself up (infml 口) make oneself more attractive by putting on make-up, different clothes, etc 藉梳妆打扮、 穿奇装异服等使自己格外引人注目. do sth up (a) fasten (a coat, skirt, etc) with buttons, a zip, etc (用扣子、 拉链等)固定(外套、 裙子等)     He never bothers to do his jacket up. 他总是不愿意系外衣的钮扣.     She asked me to do up her dress for her at the back. 她要我给她把衣服从後面系上. (b) make sth into a parcel or bundle; wrap or tie sth up 把某物打成包裹或捆扎在一起; 包住或捆扎某物     She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper. 她提 一个棕色的纸包, 里面是书. (c) repair, redecorate or modernize (a house, room, etc) 修理、 重新装饰或以现代化设备装修(房子、 房间等)     If we decide to buy the cottage we´ll have to do it up. 我们若决定购买这座别墅, 就得重新进行装修.     We´re having the kitchen done up. 我们正用现代化设备装修厨房.




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